
Sunday, June 23, 2013

GForce Contest Best Hyunmin Hint Entry # 5

                                      Hyunmin Hints Are Everywhere
                 By: Mi7chimes

Well, it all started during PK.. or who knows.. maybe before... LOL

There were HINTS that made us believers. HYUNMIN believers.

Then there were facts... (u know FACTs) and more hints... when HE became enthusiastic in sharing... exclusively for the eyes of these believers... FACTs and more HINTs...

Lets take a look at an old pic ((in and around PK dream sequence shoot)) - 


We have seen a lot of giraffes recently.. haven't we..?? hehe

Now lets move on to recent hints.. as in Tonight and Cappucino

Tonight... I obey you , honor you and love you...


hmmm... We know who she is... coz He just said it! MMmmmmm....

moving on... to Cappucino... aaah!

Don't you know who loves cofffeeeee? ( hint : she tweets coffee mugs and cofffeee shops every other day... n don't forget how she sips into them! ) 

still didn't get her??? 


Now lastly for those who believe in FACTs!

Now u see why hints are everywhere.. because.... she is with him..  within him.. where ever he goes!


Note:  Please cast your vote in the comment section of the "best hint" of your choice -- no star rating please -- get your votes in by Thurs, June 27.  


  1. thanks for posting!! is that all?^^

    1. Hello GFs...
      Hi Mary. We received 5 Hyunmin entries for this contest.

  2. Hello GFs, but what is with the plate number?? So sorry not to know.

    1. I want to know too.

      GF Ress, please tell us more about the plate number.

    2. it was a mistake .. Oops! It was 02/11 now dont tell me u donno 02/11 as in 08/02/11 ! *ducks from possible darts*

    3. I am sorry abt tat.. I realised only aftr sending it in... N my alloted time was done.. So i had no way of making the correction.. N so let it be... Sorrry.

    4. What is 08/02/11 Gf Ress? kekeke

    5. thats for you to know and for me to *zip my mouth* hahaha

  3. GF Ress...thanks for sending your hint at the last minute.

    Yes, I also heard that MM likes coffee. Hmmm maybe Papi got the idea of Cappucino from Mamai?

    I have to look at the MV of Cappucino and tonight to compare your images with the women in his videos. Your post made me curious. Hahaha... Good job Ress

    1. I meant watch the MV again.

    2. You might wanna take a look at your story and save today too... *wink wink*

  4. I bet them all!those are facts!!!!

  5. Oh...all of the entries are daebak..*TORN*

    1. poor torn dino! Btw have u updated? Lol

    2. what are you talking about? *looks around*

    3. tsk tsk... Looking at the wrong place... Try A 3 letter word called AFF! *turns lora to her computer keyboard*

  6. Good Morning/Evening GFs...

    Gf Ress,Thanks for HINTS:)

  7. oh so that's all!! hahah i expected 10+ .. uhmm.. i really thought that my hint will be posted or sent by someone.. im gonna spill it nxt time.. hahaha XD btw.. thanks for the posts and efforts! we had fun!!^^

    1. SPILL! Or i donno....but I want to know! Hahaha

    2. Yo Mary Rose... We can always make a post for your important spill... Send it to us and we will post it for you. Hahaha

      I know some of the Hyunmins know some hints/facts that have not been discussed yet in the blog, but for some reason are shy to share what they know or have observed.

    3. Hello everyone!!

      Hahahaha... We need Ms. Spillberg to help us with all the info we have.

    4. The original Ms, Spillberg has retired and the position was given to BS16. Hahahaha

    5. now somthings making me scared... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Ahhhh... You mean scared of those type of bullets like these????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????!!!! Hahahhaha

    7. BS16 is so busy taking care of me!!^^

    8. Oh so Cyni u r the school she is busy with.. School of what? LOCO-Cheezy-CRAZY! Hahaha pls make sure u teach well.. U r doing gr8...

    9. i'll make my observation this weekend cause im busy in school.. uhmm.. i have a question! how to make screencaps? cause im not good in technologies thats wh i dont know.. one more thing! my observation is just a small thing.. but i really wanna share my thoughts.. im gonna send it to your email this weekend!!^^

    10. The simplest way to make a screen cap 1) in laptops or desktops : while watching a video on full screen pause it ( u can use pause button or u can just tap the "space bar" once) once the screen is paused make sure your cursors are out of the way or disappeared than hit the "print screen" button ( mostly on the top right). open "new" in paint (accessories--> paint) and press Ctrl+V. And then save it and jpeg or PNG. Hope you understood. :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello NuNe501!.

      Welcome to the blog!!^^.

      Maybe we can help you with the fact you have. Where are you from?, For sure we will find a way to help you with the translations.

  9. I have some facts about hyunmin couple but I don,t no English ><

    1. Hello Nune -- what country are you from? We may be able to get somebody to translate your facts.

    2. Hi Nune501! Like what Gf Cyni said maybe we can help you with the translation.

  10. my name is nouf I live in saudi Arabia^^

    1. Nouf -- just email your facts to us and we will try our best to get it translated.

  11. لدي ثلاثة حقائق عن ثنائي هيون مين وهي حقا مثيرة للدهشة كيف يمكنني انا أضعها هنا ؟

    1. Sent them to our email: gforce.hyunmin@gmail.com

    2. حسنا سأقوم بإرساله للبريد الالكتروني ولكن لن أستطيع ارساله الا بعد يومان أتمنى أن تنتظروا ^^

    3. Don't worry Nouf, take your time. We will wait for your email.^^

    4. thank you ^^ أنا حقا أحب هذه المدونة كنت دائما أظل أشاهدها بصمت وأشاهد تعليقاتكم أنتم حقا مرحين

    5. Your welcome!!. And thank you for always visit the blog.

      Lots of girls are silent reader because they don't speak english, but we have a friend named "google translator"...kekeke.

    6. You really love our blog... Thank you so much Nune:)

    7. Thank you Nouf. We're glad that you enjoy visiting the blog.

    8. and i have a friend from UAE... If u want helps in translations GFs! :D

    9. Well this I am happy that you helped me

    10. always our pleasure... For hyunmin love.. :D

    11. Hello Nune, welcome to the blog. I am so happy to know that there are Hyunmins in SA. Yay! Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us. Everyone you meet in this blog are friendly Hyunmins.

      Thanks for visiting.

    12. Assalamualaikum Nune!welcome to the blog! :D

  12. Thanks Ress. I have a question: what is the 1st picture got to do with 'giraffe'? Are you referring to the person wearing the blue shirt behind MM? And, for the license plate: how did you come up with 11/02 when clearly the last 2 numbers are 12.

    1. yup GF YJJ!.. The man behind her... I really donno who he is.. But the giraffe on his tee is making me delusional...
      As for the number plate... If u chk carefully both the 1 are marked underneath... While the two is left alone... So i read it as 11/2 and 2/11!! Sure i am delusional!! LOL
      How about...

    2. marked as in tey look like the nails of the plate.... But very obviously its under the ones... Aaah i am just delusional! Lol

    3. Ummm... I think you're way off on the 1st and last picture. Sorry to be blunt.

      The rest are good.

    4. oh i understand GF.. And its ok. Thanks :D

    5. hmmm.. Btw Gf .. May i ask u... Have u any idea.. Wht has HJ got to do with giraffe?

    6. I have another question (sorry for being inquisitive but that's why we asked for detailed explanation): what is the relevance of the 5th picture below Cappuccino?

    7. HJ and the stuffed giraffe in his gwiyomi video? My guess is the height difference. He's so much taller than MM (stuffed tiger).

    8. i am sorry abt not being able to detail things out.. Actually there was much more to say.. N a few more pics.. But i am kinda grounded... Coz i am preping for xms.. I am hiding under my quilt typing this.. Lol.. I was just allowed some tim... N i managed to send this... Well 5th pic.. Is to imply tat oops the guitar girl is not the one.. Its somin... And the yes is for confirmation tat cappucino was hers! And well the overcoat resembles the girls shirt tooo... Miyane GF

    9. hmmm.. As for the giraffe.. I wonder gf.. If the tiger is based on astrology... Why not the giraffe... N tey r always paired.. Its making me curious if there is somthing beyond the height... Yes only Papi can tell...

    10. It helps to understand what's going on in a presentation when you have a lot of photos included.

      There's no giraff in western and chinese zodiac signs. Giraffe doesn't have much personality -- that is not HJ. Are they always paired? I haven't noticed.

    11. Hmmm.. What i meant was more... Well with the dress thingy... I am implying that... Earlier... Rembring the MM n the white dress of his lead dancer... It always used to be the lead... But here he chose the guituarist... I am sure the similar dress is intentional.. Kinda wanting her presence... But now i think he wants to be less obvious... My guess...

      Well abt the giraffe... Actually virgos of the house of horse are represented by giraffes in chinese astrology. But no virgos here as much as i know.. So i am confused... N yes GF somone had pointed out Giraffe n tiger n height difference before... Somwhere lol dont rembr

    12. well GF YJJ... I ill get some sleep now.. Its 4:30 am here... N somone has plans to wake me up after 2hrs. I appreciate your asking doubts whilst being sorry about you having to have them in the first place due to my lack of explanation. Really sorry about it GF. Nyway i hope i cleared my intentions with the pics.. Thank you Gf.. Have a great day :D

  13. Yes very good translation Google kekeke^^

    1. hello and welcome to the blog Nune... Dont worry translations isnt going to b a problem... And after all language is just a means of communication.. And love doesnt need language #spread the love.... :D

    2. Will not worry ^ ^ because of your love

  14. Wow hyunmin facts/hints coming from all over the world!! Can't wait to read them all!!

    1. Hi Gf Liz P. - we're disappointed that we didn't get an entry from you. :( We know you have a lot to share so, spill, spill, spill. hahaha

    2. LOL.. Actually I would have entered something if not for the post of YJJ on her observations on HJ's recent bday Party People FM... As Lyd and I just came back then fr SK, we were excited to have our video (of HJ's personal pics with OMT as background) edited so we can send the entry.. And as I mentioned in my comment in that post, could have been more of a fact than a hint.. That goes too with the fact that I think its the first time that his whole family attended his bday fm and then that family pic at the end of the video.. To lyd and myself being there at that very moment was like HJ shouting out to the world "I will have someone (MM) with my family watching me in my next bday fm and have her beside me in our next family picture for everone to see".. I think this is my hyunmin fan acct not an entry to a hyunmin hint...LOL...enjoy the day GFs!!

    3. I agree with you Liz. It was a fact. With all the hints (facts for all of us who knows the*wink wink) coming from him lately, I have a feeling he is preparing his fans for the good news he is going to share with us in the near future (I hope).

    4. Yes he has given out facts and now he is being consistent with sharing hints.. I am hoping for the good news soon. #fingerscrossed

  15. GForce unnies!! I vote for this ahjumma

    1. Oh no ajhummmaaaa?????? NÓÒÖÓÒÖÓÒÖÓÒÖÒÖÓÒÖÓÒ *throws tantrum*

    2. eh..*scratch head*
      it's okay right if i voted earlier? i have to visit my granny at june 26th and 27th... no internet connection there... TT^TT

    3. mmm:: U r updating before u leave right? Keke

  16. I believe in you Gf Ress, hints are everywhere, we just need to use our eagles eyes to find them...lol

    both loves the giraffe, their innds are full of giraffe too.kekee... Good luck Gf...

  17. I want to help girls e-mail I have no problem I want someone of you to give me his account on Facebook to send him pictures facts

    1. Hello Nouf!,

      You can search for me or gf Ela on fbook: Cyn OC or Estanyela - I don't remember the accounts of the other admins...kekeke.

  18. Ahhh very interesting gf ress! I like the pic about the almost-same-design cloth and thecolor!!! Yeehee!

    About the plate number i cant see it clearly but i do believe the license number means somethin that we already know wooooooooooohoooooooo :D

    How i love reading hints post!
