
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong: After Playing Soccer and Barefoot Friends (fancam)

Video Credit: as tagged


  1. Goodmorning to all gf's!!i just wondering who is that girl?(girl screaming).

    off to work...

    1. I did watch the video but I did not pay attention to the noise in the background. Maybe one of the fans I guess. IDK, need to watch it again.Lol

    2. Oh! Oh! I heard and saw. Remember I was the cold water bottle. Bang! Bang! Bang! LOL!!!

    3. I'm referring to a girl who scream near khj..she was like afraid to the point she hold khj arm..it was around 0:50 onwards....

    4. Yes I saw that.... Hmmmmm ... Scared of something that she had to run to HJ and hold his wrist while HJ did not do anything at all? Hahahaha

      I am assuming it was not a fly that made her scream or else HJ will be the first one to scream and run away. We all know how he's scared of flies.

    5. Yes but it was his cell phone that fell and the water bottle they went down the steps. What I don't quite get is why did she hold his hand for that long hmm!! What I find funny is that he pull his hand away from her. LOL!! She did not want to let go.

    6. Yes, she held hold on to him longer than necessary and HJ looked stunned and uneasy. Hahahaha

    7. I just looked at it again. Yes she screamed because the water bottle either hit her or almost hit her. The rest his got something on his hand it looked white and he gives it to her but she holds on to his wrist and wont let go and he pulls away.

  2. Oooppsss!! Me and my big mouth. Always!! Really need that super glue!!!!

    P.S would like to know what he is saying maybe then we can find out what really happend.
