
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Per the request of my beloved GFs, I'm back to share my observations and/or point-of-view and here it is...  

6/7:  HJ Party People rehearsal

HJ's tank top w/a print of a girl's image

Rehearsal on 6/7.  To say that the tank top with a girl's image printed on the back of it is HJ's favorite is an understatement.  How many of them does he own?  ^-^ We've seen him in it at PK-FM in Tokyo rehearsal, filming of CC and, more intriguingly, a replica is displayed in one of Jaksal's branch.  Lucky is the girl image printed on his tank top, right?   kekeke  

On with the show... HJ's Party People, 6/8 

First, the cross.  Self-explanatory... nothing to add.  ^-^

Lucky Guy portion:  All the female dancers wore white but the lead dancer's dress is similar to MM's dress (as previously covered in one of my hints).  ^-^

Did anyone notice the stuffed tiger and giraffe in the Gwiyomi video?  Most of us, if not all, know HJ's Chinese zodiac sign is tiger.  In this scenario, my guess is that the stuffed tiger represents the short girl who likes tiger prints on her shirt and sweater.  And, the stuffed giraffe represents the tall 'Lucky Guy" who is always beside the short tiger?  *cough-height difference-cough*  ^-^ 

Another observation is in the latter portion of the video where compilation of photos of HJ were shown:  from pre-debut, BOF days, Playful Kiss days and lastly, his growing family.  Growing family because HJ now has a sister-in-law but who knew that his brother got married:  it only goes to show that HJ is secretive about his private life -- so secretive that he hides when texting... kekeke 

but we should all understand that he is entitled to it so let's leave it at that.  ^-^ 

But another very interesting matter in the portion of the video and I'm sure it made HyunMin fans giddy is that the background music playing was the instrumental of "One More Time".  Again, one would wonder why OMT?  But...  need I say more???  ^-^

I'd like to add my overall observation about HJ's FM, in general, that since after PK, HJ's fanmeet format have changed... from what I gathered (and I welcome his fans to correct me on this) it used to be modest (more talking/interviews) then it became more playfully entertaining since games, skits and fan interactions on stage were added to name a few.  Maybe Oh Hani's Harmoeni's philosphy "about how to be happy in life" made an impact on him or for both him and MM.  And lastly, I'll say this again...  PK changed him and change in life is inevitable, change can be good or bad but change for the betterment of oneself or life is always a good thing.  *yjj*

Credit as tagged.  

And thanks to GFs Snowy, Row and Cyn for their help in getting the materials for this post.  Love you GFs! 



  1. Woohooo... Here it is. Finally it's here....YJJ's personal observation of the Party People ....

  2. I hope you all like this one. hahaha As we don't know when I can share my POV/observations again. hahaha

    1. Next month... The next YJJ Hyunmin Special is next month

    2. Really?

      You will dissapoint your fans!!!

    3. We're waiting for this since last night...

      Gamsamhabnida Nae Chingu :)

    4. Fans want a weekly post of YJJ specials.

    5. So demanding. Yah, I'm not b/s that you girls can bully around. hahaha

      I'll think about it. The special could be bi-weekly, quarterly or yearly. hahahaha

    6. Yearly???????????????!!!!!!!!!!

      No way!!!!!

    7. By weekly Gf Yjj, pleaseeeee....

    8. How about bi-annual? hahaha

    9. How about twice a month? hahaha

    10. Ok to settle this... when is his next FM schedule? wahahahaha

    11. Hahahaha.... Let's ask our viewrs!!!

    12. That's a good question Gf, and I don't know...hahahaha

    13. If it's later this year then I'm game. hahahaha

    14. I think the next FM will be in Southern California hahaha (wishing)

    15. GF YJJ well two is our lucky number right... So once in every two months!

    16. Are you referring to Hyunmin's lucky number? #2 was last year... this year is #3. hahaha I'm fine with once every 3 months. hahaha

    17. HyunMin number yes! Its always 2 GF.. is not changing every year! Lol

    18. I know... I'm only kidding. once every 3 months is better than every 2 months. hahaha

    19. I know your excuses GF... THAT'S WHY its fixed at 2! hahaha

  3. Goodnight GF...

    I'll comment tomorrow.

  4. I'm sure HJ wanted to show a pic of his family with MM there. I hope that they will come soon and for sure fans will be happy with that because fans want a happy HJ.

    1. In due time, Gf. Hopefully, it won't be that long of a wait.

    2. I'll say... it will be this year^^

  5. whn YJJ posts i have to come out of my hiatus... *ress rubs in the details into her eyes* i didnt see the tiger.... But haha that hidden texting at the exact same position of that couch where MM sat holding her gift from her Ates.... Not because of that but the simple fact that it was HIDDEN!! Lallalallaaaaa... Infact it was gonna b a part of my hint entry if i ever get a hint! Hahaha....
    Wait i am not revealing more now.... :P
    *bangs herslf on the head* why why cant u stay away...

    1. You can't stay away from us. You can try but you won't succeed. hahaha Yes, we need a best hint entry from you, gf ress.

    2. Hola Ress!!!

      Adiós Ress!!!!

  6. Waah...i love this!!
    sunbae, you are daebak!! *happy**sunny* (◕▽◕) ♫ ♪ ♫

  7. He was texting

    a)"Babe, Do you really know how much I miss you right now?"

    b)"I'm fooling everyone. They really believe this is the place I live"

    1. hahahahaha lalalalalalala hahahahaha

    2. Lucky you Cyni, MM's forward HJ text message to you...kekeke

    3. I'm a hacker. Don't forget that...kekeke

    4. O_O I didn't hear or read about this. hahaha I know nothing. hahaha

    5. I know everything...hahaha

    6. There is more.... *ress runs away*

    7. Gf Cyn - so, you're one of them eh? hahaha

    8. hahahahaha gf chyn.. did you just spill the beans? hahahahaha

  8. hola Gf's , wauuuu estoy saltando en un pie de felicidad, me encantan los PV de Gf YJJ .
    Siempre Papi y Mami nos dan hints, pero lo que me encanta es que Pk siempre esta presenta en los FMs de Papi, desde cantar el OST One More time , el cartel de Pk y ahora la música de fondo en la compilación de sus fotos.
    Definitivamente PK le cambio la vida porque todo lo que se hace con amor te lleva al exito.

    1. Hola Ela,

      PK nos cambió la vida a todas!!!

      ¡¡¡Viva PK!!!

    2. Thanks GF Ela. Si Viva PK, GF Cyn! hehehe

  9. what can i say when its all TRUE TRUE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha Mazzy who is MIA for two days is now back! hahahahahaha sorry gfs something came up!!!!!! :'( oh forget about that..

    hahaha gf yoonjj.. im happy that you made something like this.. weve been missing this!!!! hehehehe

    everything is obvious.. although papi is secretive but he is bold in giving us hints of the reaaaaaaaaaaal thing!!!! woohoooo

  10. before.. i dont know HJ very well.. although i watched BOF(only first ten episodes then i stop) but it doesnt have much impact on me.. yes hes handsome especially when he play the violin on that drama.. i frequently listen to his band song as well.. but then.. still nothing.

    so... in 2010... PK..... this drama.. hahahahahahahahaha it gives an enormous impact on me unlike BOF or other dramas. it was MM who grabbed my attention before HJ!!!! hahahahahahahahahsha slowly and slowly.. i went crazy over hyunmin!!!! oh god!!!!!!!!! hahaha for me... PK not only change HJ life.. but i guess.. us too? i mean i never been like this before.. but PK... change everything..im enjoying my life better because of PK!!!!!!! hehehehe bcos of them i met my baby girl gforce!!! hehehe

    awww love you HyunMin and ny gorgeous GForce!!!!

    #looks likr.. fan confession! hahahah

    1. Hi Wacky Mazzy -- hahaha thanks for the reminder again... yes, you owe us your fan confession. Gotcha again! hahaha

      Yes, I agree PK changed our lives.

    2. Waiting for kiddo Camilita Mazzy's fan confession

  11. Good morning/afternoon/evening girls....

    You guys had fun while I was sleeping?

    GF YJJ: it should be bi-monthly. You know very well the Hyunmins are craving for your personal Hyunmin views/updates.

    The best Hyunmin hint at his FM is the OMT song playing in the background while the photos of him as a kid up to his family photo. He could have chosen another song but why OMT? gF YJJ is right, why OMT. I feel that he had MM in his mind and wanted to be at his FM when he selected the photos for the slideshow.

    1. HI! Lyd and I are back from HYUNMIN country...GFs YJJ and Snowy, you nailed it in the head about "One More Time"...we bet it was HJ who chose that song to be the background for his personal life video...actually, we were thinking of making it an entry in the Hint category but it looked more like a FACT to all of us hyunmins...LOL...we're just organizing the videos we took in the FM and as soon as we are done, we'll share HJ's personal video {with OMT as background and us singing along - pardon us pls) here in the blog..as Hyunmins, that video was THE highlight of the fan meeting..plus of course the current family picture of five with the addition of his sister-in-law...did you notice the space between Papi and his sis-in-law?...are you saving that space for someone special, cough, Mami, cough...when we saw his family (Dad, Mom and Hyung including his sis-in-law and her mom)at the fan meeting, we thought HJ would want his someone special to be there too...so if she can't be there, then why not a song about her...we were actually hoping that he will sing OMT, but i guess he has something special in mind...overall, i really think that HJ is quite happy these days...he actually said (in one of the translations) that "I'm gonna live each day happily. Not a success driven but happiness driven.."..about that texting secretly, we were at our friend's house there in Seoul watching BFF and all of us (all Hyunmin fans) were like, "OMG! He's secretly texting her!" Either he's texting that they were already in his house or he answering a text message from her...i think more of the latter...by the way, just want to share that we were able to go to Bloom Entertainment (unfortunately, MM was not there when we went) to give our gifts for MM and Hyunmin...Sorry this was quite long...we're still on Hyunmin high...LOL...

    2. OMG, GF Liz P. you are back from the Hyunmin country. Every time we see viewers from SK, we think about you. I was telling the girls that the Pedernal twins and friends are visiting our blog from SK. Hahahaha

      While watching the video, I did not realize that the OMT was playing in the background not until the family picture was shown at the end and the song was louder like a grand finale . It felt like HJ was telling us that MM should have been in that family picture.... I was teary eyed after watching the video. HJ is very sweet and caring to put a touch of MM in his FMs. I am so happy that you guys felt the same way. We got the message he was trying to tell us very loud and clear.

      Another hint for me is - the dancers wearing white. We all know that his girl likes to wear white. The lead female dancer wore the exact replica of the dress MM wore in Channel event she attended last year.

      I can't wait for you to share the video you took at the fanmeet here in the blog.

      Thanks GF Liz P.

    3. Hello Lissie - welcome back. Glad to hear you were able to watch HJ's FM. But too bad that MM was around when you went to Bloom. waaaaahh I wish to travel to SK just to see our couple. Hahaha

      Actually it was Gf Snowy'z report to me about OMT background that inspired me to do the write-up - anything PK-related in HJ's FM is indeed a fact and not just mere hint.

      My theory about the space between HJ and the sis-in-law is that MM was included in the first set of family photos and the last photo w/out her is deliberately taken for the FM (I know you get my drift). Hahaha

    4. Yes she did. As soon as I mentioned to her about the OMT in this fm, she jumped into her writer mode.

    5. Yes it made me very happy bcoz I was expecting it - for him to have anything PK-related in his FM but I didn't have the time to view all the videos so thank you for informing me. And a big thank you.to HJ, of course, for not letting us down. Hehehe We love you Kuya. Hahaha

    6. Hahaha...Kuya earned a lot of points with his sweetness?

    7. GF Liz P... Mami sent him a text message reminding him to behave and to sit away from you know who. Hahahahaha

    8. No, Kuya earned a lot of points for being true to himself.

    9. I think we don't have to worry about HJ not behaving during BFF shoot with any of the girls there...he's a good boy, right Papi?..anyway, GF YJJ, we love your theory on MM being included in the 1st set of family pictures...makes sense doesn't it...see how HJ looks so good in that family picture...something like the picture in "Somewhere in Time" when a picture taken of Jane Seymour when she was actually looking at Christopher Reeve..this case, HJ was looking at SM (somewhere in the studio) when the picture (for the FM) was taken...WISH!!!...told you, I'm still on hyunmin high...LOL...

    10. I agree, GF Liz P. You just don't know how much lecturing I give these girls about what's going in BFF. :) If I could do a write-up on my analysis on HyunMin behavior, I would. hahaha

      Yes, it makes every sense... someone was in that gap/space between HJ & sis-in-law but she had to step-out come time for the photo for the FM. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a photo of just the immediate (parents, HJ & bro) family.

      Typically, in special ocassions you'd see photos of the following in groups: immediate (parents, sons or daughters), immediate w/in-laws and/or bf/gf, immediate w/in-laws & grandchildren. Hopefully, we get to see the latter in 4-5 yrs?!? waaahhhhh fingers-crossed! hahaha

      I've never seen "Somewhere in Time" but I agree... her presence probably what caused HJ to look good in the family picture -- it made him happy that his family were together in one room -- maybe a rare ocassion due to their busy schedules.

      In the same video (Gwiyomi) at the apartment, I could've sworm I heard MM's laugh in the background but it could just be me. And, I wouldn't be surprised if we find out later that she was there to coach or watch him do gwiyomi. hahaha And Gf, nothing wrong being on Hyunmin high. I'm still high myself from writing my observations/pov last last night. lol

    11. Oh! We have that Gwiyomi video too!..couldn't stop ourselves from laughing during the FM and everytime we watch the video...will watch it again and try to listen closely to that part in his apartment to see if our hyunmin ears can hear MM in the background... Thanks GF YJJ..

  12. yeah Gf YJJ is back!!! thanks for your observations... good am/pm dear Gfs...

    1. Hola Liz!,

      Buenos días!

      Estamos haciendo una petición para que YJJ haga sus posts una vez por semana ^^

  13. lucky day for me gfs, observation of gf yoon ji joong make my day...
    i'm thanking playful kiss 'cause i met all of you gfs... i'm just a simple fan of kdrama..
    but , since i watch pk, i found myself a truly lovers of hyunmin couple..
    till i found your blogs.. i can't sleep without viewing it...
    when you post hyun joong fm, party people [ the first post that the video is so short, but i take my time to view it till 4:a.m.] i'm the only one to comment on it.
    videos of hj family ... wow !!! i love the music back ground of " one more time "... thats my fave songs of hj and " thank you "...
    thanks gf yoon ji joong for giving us your complete analyst of hyun joong " party people ", fm... great job gf yjj !!! i love you...

  14. YJJ, you never let me down,I always love your hints. Please keep sharing.
    Snowy's observation about OMT is a fact, a sweet lovely one.
    Liz, thank you for sharing your wonderful experience to all GFs.

    1. Hi Bella Bee - thank you... glad I was able to present them well. Same as last, there are minor ones that I didn't include. As long as you guys think I'm still doing a fair job then, I'll continue to share. :)

  15. Wonderful post Gf Yoonji...its really great knowing that you're back with your observation...im just speechless as everything you said are true nd makes us hyunmin all giddy...

    1. Thank you Gf Mhel. hehehe It took awhile to get the inspiration back but don't worry I'll continue to share especially now that we're nearing PK anniversary. :)

  16. Oh yes, pk anniversary is near...keep o pposting Gf while the spirit is still high...
