
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[02-07-13] Kim Hyun Joong ~ WEIBO & Facebook updates Official Accounts.

안무연습중.. practice the choreography.

Cr. weibo.com/hyunjoongk

마지막녹음중.. Of the last record..

Cr: 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)/https://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong


  1. of the last record? I am having #militaryduty FEELS! T.T

    1. Yeah I think so too mi7. At least we still have Mm right?

    2. yes! And i am going to make those 2yrs count... I will start frm day1 of his career.. N cover all thoose 8yrs of his I missed...

      But wait MM is going to miss him the most.. Though i am sure tey ill visit n talk n all.. But still... Dont u worry MM project/no project to keep u busy.. We will!


  2. And that non-smart white flip phone makes it appearance once again. Hey HJ, expecting a call or a text message from MM?

    1. It looks like HJ prefers flip phones than the modern smartphone or Iphone. Maybe he's scared of butt calls. Hahaha He must have had a bad experience.

    2. Hahahhaa... butt calls???...hahahaha.

    3. Yes, HJ must have experienced butt calls..hahaha I can just imagine his phone accidentally calling one of the persons on his phone's contact list while he was having a nice conversation with his lady love MM and that person hears everything on the other end. Hahaha

    4. Snowy are you sure he was having a conversation. Or was it a butt call during the hickey incident???? ahm!! ahm!! LOL!!!

    5. Wahahahaha the person who got the butt call during the hickey moment is veeeeeeeery lucky. I want to be that person. You made me have a big smile on my face A. Hahahaha

    6. Oh, can't imagine how much we miss HJ...ah, correction...how much MM misses HJ and vice versa*of course* when he's going to the army..MM should enlist with him?!..wait..then, how upset would we be ???!! Just kidding..

      "the hickey incident????!!!!" Who..who..was the lucky spy there?!!!!Ahhhhhhhhh....

    7. Lol i experience that once hahahaha wait dont misunderstood.. im not the lucky spy hahaha im just saying that ive experienced that butt calls once.. i misclicked the screen i hate high tech phone the mosttt hahaha

      So papi hj and mami mm.. just stick with your non smart phone.. it can protect your life! hahaha

    8. I wasn't the lucky one to receive the "butt call" so the lucky spy is jot me. Hahahaha

  3. Omoo it feels like the military days will come soon... ottoke?
