
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong ~ "J. Bro GYM" Blog update

Cr. Hiroko Katayama.
Source: http://sojjiman.blog.me/50174525831


  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs...

  2. Goodmorning Snowy. Not to happy with this pics.

    1. Bcz whats wrong with HJ what is he's problem.

      KHJ really seriously you need to take off that shirt when working out. Seriously HJ some of us live really far this is the only way we get to see you. Eye candy HJ eye candy. Hahahahahaha! Peace HJ.

    2. OMG! Hahaha A! But u are forgetting he is somone else CANDY.. Somone else who loves to bite...... Into her candyyy.... *zips her mouth n runs away*

    3. Hi A, Ress...

      I agree with you A. What kind of working out is that? HJ is should show us some skin. We need our daily dose of HJ vitamin. Kekeke

    4. mi7: yeah but she (can) bite into her candy. We can't thats why he is only (EYE) candy to us.

    5. Hahahahaaaa gf A; you got me worried for a second.

      Good one!

    6. Hola gf A. Hahahaha i wonder what makes you not to like these lica.. i thought there are something wrong so i scrool back to the pic and check every inch of it hahaha aigooo i really thought theres something gone wrong hahahaha

      But true why he works out that way? we need some eye candy here hahahaha we need to see your six packs papi hahahahaha

    7. These,.Those,That. Being politicaly correct in a fun blog is incorrect. Have fun write and if you make a mistake writting who cares????? Is fun fun fun!!!!! ;-) :-D <3<3

      P.S I have to be correct all the time cause of my job. I dont want to be correct when having funnnnn. :-) :-) :-)

    8. Correct A.... When having fun, who cares! Hahahaha

    9. Snowy. Yep! Yep!

      Key words.
      Politicaly correction: Politically correct word should have been Grammatically

      Writting correction: Writing.

      Have fun! and write use Itransalate copy paste if you have an Iphone if not. Our bestfriend Google and if not write any freaking way you can we will understand.

      Just Have FUN!!!

    10. Oh goshh!! I think I messed up again. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

    11. I blame my IPhone/Ipad for misspellings and words that doesn't belong to my message. I have to review my message now before sending or publishing my comments.

    12. Yep! I use my phone as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey C: Didn't mean to worrie you.

    Remember A=Chaos + A little bit of Alcohol.

    Well mmmm! a lot.

    Hahahahahahahaha!!! :-D

  5. Hello Sanchin, welcome to the Blog.
