
Friday, July 12, 2013

★ SPECIAL POST: Smorgasbord of Hints/Facts - Part 1 ★

This special post is a compilation of hints suggested by an avid follower of the blog, Cookie Min, and a suggestion of GF Snowy to do a follow-up on a previous post published by Liz Ariza. 

First, the suggested hint.  Cookie Min sent me a couple of screen shots of hints that she captured from Lucky Guy-Japanese version.  I don't have the luxury of time to watch videos but I decided to watch it for my own observation.  Sure enough, I saw what she was talking about and here it is.

An identical fur vest worn by MM in a CF and one of the dancers in the video.

And I noticed the black and white outfit of HJ and his dancers.


After checking out the Japanese version video, I got curious and decided to watch the official video of Lucky Guy and here are my observations...
HJ wearing a snakeskin print shirt, 
a snakeskin print jacket,
and a snake-skin print pair of shoes. 

If you don't know already, MM's Chinese zodiac sign is 'snake'.  In fact, this year is 'the year of the snake'... 
and we seen photos of her at the premier of Southbound sporting a top that has a partial snakeskin design and snakeskin print boots.  And, if I may add in "black and white".  A couple snakeskin print shoes/boots?  Why not!  ^-^
We also seen photos of HJ with a black snakeskin print trousers at his concert early this year. 
HJ's dancer on a light mustard with black belt and MM on a light yellow mustard outfit at the PK conference -- perhaps a subtle hint.
In this picture, I noticed the uzoosin figurine placed on #3.  For those who don't know the significant of #3:  March is the 3rd month of the year.  MM was born in the month of March.  ^-^
Black, white and red
Lucky Guy lyrics:  "Hey, you Little Lady".  No further explanation needed.
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Now, let's move on to a recent hint.  Do you recall the stuffed dolls shown in the gwiyomi video? 
Cookie Min also shared with me her observation and shared a screen shot of the dvd cover of PK Director's Cut released in Japan early this year. 
I would expect a 'unicorn' included in the cover and not a giraffe but, at least, we now know the connection of the giraffe in the gwiyomi segment.  kekeke

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GF Snowy requested that I do a follow-up on GF Liz Arisa's Cappuccino post as she was taken by surprise and didn't connect the song of Kiss-Kiss and Cappuccino with MM and concerned that there maybe others who also didn't pick up on it.

Keep in mind that Kiss-Kiss was released in July of 2011, a year after PK.  Part of the lyrics in Kiss-Kiss goes as such:

The leisure of a cup of coffee
The steps leading me towards you
Are all joys I’ve become familiar with
This isn’t me
I’ve never been this way before

It’s because it’s you 

Trivia:  I've read that HJ doesn't drink coffee and I can understand why:  singers are restricted from caffeine, soda and cigarettes to maintain the condition of their voice. 

Fyi to new HyunMin fans, Mm loves coffee particularly cappuccino.  HJ's song 'cappuccino' is not about coffee rather it refers to a person:  his 'secret' caffeine -- the one who perks him up -- the one who keeps his heart beating -- the one who keeps him always inspired. 

Cappuccino, your intoxicating aroma, is now whispering of love
My secret Caffeine, is making my heart throb
I will whisper of them, only to you, yeah
that complexion of yours is so radiant, when I am hugged by it
That sweet sign of yours, I could hear it close to my ears
Cappuccino, your intoxicating aroma is now whispering of love

☆   ☆   ☆

For continuation, please read Part 2.
 Credit as tagged. 


  1. Thanks to Cookie Min for the hints!!!

  2. For sure we know who's the Little Lady...kekeke

    1. Yup, we all know who the Little Lady is. hehehe

      Thanks for the hints, Cookie Min!

  3. Hello GFs!

    Yay! Love your post Gf YJJ... and thanks to Cookie Min for the Hints...

    Hello Gf Cyni!

    1. Thanks GF Row. Don't forget to read Part 2.

    2. Hello gf Row!

      How is your antenna doing?kekeke

    3. My antenna is doing good... kekeke

  4. gosh!i can't get over with their snakeskin shoes!!!hahaha too much obvious hyunmin!!

  5. Cappuccino, your intoxicating aroma, is now whispering of love My secret Caffeine, is making my heart throb I will whisper of them, only to you, yeah that complexion of yours is so radiant, when I am hugged by it That sweet sign of yours, I could hear it close to my ears Cappuccino, your intoxicating aroma is now whispering of love

    Mm, your intoxicating aroma, is now whispering of love My secret Mm, is making my heart throb I will whisper of them, only to you, yeah that complexion of yours is so radiant, when I am hugged by it That sweet sign of yours, I could hear it close to my ears Mm, your intoxicating aroma is now whispering of love

    Girl, your intoxicating aroma, is now whispering of love My secret Girl, is making my heart throb I will whisper of them, only to you, yeah that complexion of yours is so radiant, when I am hugged by it That sweet sign of yours, I could hear it close to my ears Girl, your intoxicating aroma is now whispering of love

    W_ _ _ y, your intoxicating aroma, is now whispering of love My secret W_ _ _ y , is making my heart throb I will whisper of them, only to you, yeah that complexion of yours is so radiant, when I am hugged by it That sweet sign of yours, I could hear it close to my ears W_ _ _ y , your intoxicating aroma is now whispering of love


  6. The snakesprint!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha PaMi giving us hints! Some might not notice about it...And you gf yoonjj, gf Cookie Min gf Liz for making itobvious for us to see a fact!!!!!!

    Whoaaaaa awesome hint!! perfect!

    1. Hi Wacky Mazzy -- and take note, that was in 2011... it means they've been giving us hints since then but we're just capturing them now.

    2. Hahaha yes yes yes!!! :D more to observe actually.. since PK we are raining hints but we just capturing them now like you said

  7. why must snakesprint ?? not tigersprint ??
    in chinese zodiac ,HJ is a tiger..
    daebak..!! :D

  8. Woahhhh, its raining of hints here,so love it... Everything is related to his little lady...

    Thanks Gf Yoonji for the post. And thanks to other Gfs for sharing the hints...

  9. Excellent post GF YJJ.

    What? HJ has been giving us hints for awhile now? What a very sweet, smart and playful dude. Huh!

    Did HJ give special instruction to his wardrobe stylist to keep MM in mind in planning his outfits for the day or occasion? What's about MM? Did she get the idea of wearing a snakeskin print boots from HJ? She probably saw those boots in his closet and love them so much that she decided to get one for herself. Kekeke

    GF Cookie Min, thanks for sharing your observations with YJJ. The Giraffe! I never noticed that it was in the PK DVD cover as well. Due to the height difference between MM and HJ, He had to look down all the time when he is with her like a giraffe looking down on all other animals. Is the stuffed giraffe a gift from MM to HJ as a private joke between them that he reminds her of a giraffe every time she stands next to him. I won't be surprised if MM bought the stuffed tiger for HJ as well HJ is MM's tiger. It reminded me of MM wearing a white shirt with a tiger and a lotus flower print in Strongheart.

    Ah the Cappucini lyrics. The words " secret caffeine" struck me the most like a lightning. Whoa! Really HJ? Your SECRET? As in hidden _____ *wink wink. Hahaha

  10. Thank you GF YJJ for the wonderful post!!! You GFs are so awesome... can't wait for more summaries after the album is out

  11. Also in Cappuccino KHJ chose the pink lady as one of the characters ... reminds of the pink propose Clinique CF of MM

    1. Hi Cookie Min - thank you again for sharing your observation. I have to watch the video again... I know there's 1 or 2 that I noticed but will include that in my next post (will also include your observations in "Tonight" video... just searching for the materials for it).

  12. Hmmm... Quite intresting how most of the ladies wear outfits similar to MMs in her various appearances... Once it might be a coincidence, twice thrice.... Hmmmm..... Alwaysss? MMmmmmmm.....

    GF YJJ remember whn i said i hav more pics... Well my lappy shutdown... So i have no way as of now to show u... But this same ad - as the one in ur first pic- has a pic with MM wearing a biege long coat.... - google can giv u tat- and thn watch SAVE TODAY.... U ill know with and for whom HJ wants to save his days .. Not tat u dont know already.. But HINT! Lolz

    1. Hi GF Ress - are you referring to this photo from Hazzy?


    2. YUp Yup yup! Lolz dont u think so GF? Btw i think the white lady in the your story was also inpired my MM... Just cant place which one from MMs numerous white collection was used lol

    3. I just finished watching the video a few minutes ago. Honestly, first time to hear and see the video, by the way. I had to ask Cyn what Save Today is. The girl's coat is a trench coat; Mm's coat is wool. The coat in the link I sent is lighter in color but I know which Hazzy photo you're talking about. I noticed an reenactment from a PK-YT epi and something related to #3.

      I'll add this to my to do list. Thanks for the suggestion.

    4. this one gF - http://aznwave.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/20101025_somin_1-460x3518.jpg

    5. Ress - that's the same picture in the link I sent you.

  13. yup but u r saying its wool.... Oh... Ok.. But evn if its wool.. Doesnt it look same or atleast similar? :/

    1. No need to look further -- MM/OHN was wearing a trench coat in PK Epi 13.
