
Monday, August 12, 2013

Actress Jung So Min 정소민 Becomes Part of S.M. C&C (에스엠컬처앤콘텐츠) Family

정소민 다이어트 비결 뭐지? '늘씬해진 S라인 몸매에 미모까지 빛나'


정소민 다이어트
'정소민 다이어트?'

배우 정소민이 달라진 프로필 사진을 통해 팔색조 매력을 선보였다.

최근 정소민의 소속사 SM C&C 공식 페이스북에는 정소민의 프로필 사진이 게재됐다.

긴 머리를 풀어헤친 채 하얀색 셔츠로 한 층 업그레이드된 청순미를 뽐냈다. 이어 머리를 높이 묶은 헤어스타일을 선보이고 있는 정소민은 줄무늬 셔츠를 입고 쪼그리고 앉아 풋풋하면서도 귀여운 매력으로 팔색조의 모습을 뽐냈다.

하얀색 셔츠를 입은 정소민은 섹시한 눈빛으로 카메라를 응시, 새하얀 피부와 함께 한 껏 물오른 미모를 과시해 네티즌들의 이목을 끌고 있다.

특히 네티즌들은 눈에 띄게 늘씬해진 몸매에 주목하며 다이어트 비결에 관심을 나타내고 있다.

한편 최근 소속사를 SM C&C로 옮긴 정소민은 JTBC 드라마 '우리가 결혼할 수 있을까' 이후 차기작을 검토 중이다.

정소민 다이어트에 관심을 나타내고 있는 네티즌들은 "비결이 뭐에요?" 정소민 다양한 매력 철철", "정소민 평범한 듯 예쁜 배우", "정소민 차기작 왕성한 활동 기대" 등 반응을 보이고 있다. <스포츠조선닷컴>
English Translation:
What's the secret of JSM's diet?  'Slim S-line body and good looking face'
'JSM diet?'
Actress JSM showed her various attractions thru her different profile photos.
Recently at JSM's agency, SM C&C official fb, JSM's profile photos were posted.
She displayed upgrated purity wearing white blouse with her hair loosen.
Following this, She gave off fresh charm with up-style ponytale, and striped-shirt, squatting herself.
JSM in white blouse stares at camera with sexy eyes, and netizens are attracted by her upgraded good look with white skin.
Especially they are focusing on her much slimer body, and show interest of her secret of diet.
By the way, JSM, who moved to SM C&C, is reviewing her next work after JTBC 'Can We Marry'.
Netizens interested in her diet is reacting variouisly - "What's the secret?" "JSM's different attractions"
"She seems plain but at the same time, pretty"  "Expecting her next work"


  1. Hope that she will do a new project soon and i believe that the new agency will truly help her grow. Thanks for the post Gf Yoonji.

    1. You're welcome, Gf Mhel. I heard from a reliable source that she's very happy about this and looking forward to her 1st project with them.

      Hopefully, we'll get to see her in a movie soon as that's her wish this year. ;)

    2. Hopefully Gf, this is a very good step forward for her.

  2. This was pointed out to me by Lyd early today, did you know that Kang Ho Dong is one of the artist of SM C&C? So who's been working with Kang Ho Dong these past few months?..your guess is as good as mine...

    1. Connect and connect the dots Ate...hehehe

    2. It seems there is a connection. I think the important person in Mm life really influence her in decision making. Why SM C & C anyway? now I got it.

    3. If anything I think a pep talk from Ho Dong gave the Lucky Guy a peace of mind. At least, he knows he has Hyung to protect his Little Lady. MM has plenty of credentials to get her foot in the door.

  3. so happy for her...we will support you all the way, our dear minmin...

  4. always support jung so min ..:)

  5. thanks for the post Gf YJJ. always support you dear Min Min!

  6. thanks for the post Gf YJJ. always support you dear Min Min!

  7. thanks for the post Gf YJJ. always support you dear Min Min!

  8. I'm glad Minmin move from her former agency... wishing her new agency helps her a new project... hoping her manager can do great manages for her.. she's talented actress.
    Good luck Minmin, i'm always praying for your success !!!

  9. I always pray for good luck and min min managed to get his dream :)
