
Monday, August 12, 2013

★★★ SPECIAL POST: Random hints ★★★

Thanks to GF Liz Pedernal for sharing these two hints below.

HJ & MM in retro design in black & white.

Identical bracelets!  They're borrowing each other's bracelets, again???  ;)  hehehe 

★   ★   ★

An excerpt from:  Kim Hyun Joong's Guesting in Hwashin 08.06.13

KHJ said that the school qualification exam is not as easy as everyone think it is. Questions like 'How are you? Fine, thank you' and also questions that he didn't know at all would come out. He knows what's 'being', 'as' 'as possible', '-ed'.

Do you recall this scene?  While in queue, MM and Choi Won-hong (EunJo) were repeatedly saying "pui-pui" and "why not".  Then, HJ said something about IQ and 'How are you' then MM uttered "How are you. I'm fine thank you and you?"  And if I may add she said it with perfect English diction (no accent).
There is also a bts portion that HJ & MM were talking about university and I also read that HJ went back to school sometime after PK... who could've given him the idea and encouragement to go back to school?  ;) 
credit as tagged. 


  1. Love the post. They really influence each other. Are they really that in love? to the point of borrowing each other accessories or they really have the same taste and happen to buy same kind and style? pls answer doubting me!!!! he he he

    1. Hello Retta. Have you read FACT: Sharing Accessories in the blog? A fan identified a bracelet she gave to HJ and there are proof that MM wore the same bracelet at 2 different occasions. You should read the post (just search the title of it).

    2. Oh i remember that bracelet...if i am right, that's where your hints posts begins right Gf Yoonji?

      Hello Gf Retta!

    3. Hi Mhel. Yes, it's one of my early Hints post. kekeke We've come a long way, GF.

    4. Oh it seems i forgotten my head is clouded with so many hints and facts lately about hyunmin. TY Gf YJJ for reminding me sometimes i want to talk to u privately because of my doubting hearts. Hello GF Mhel.

    5. I really love that post, nothing really can escape from the eyes of hyunmin fans... its almoat a year now and still lot of hints coming out from our couple...

    6. Correct, GF Mhel. Retta: As long as they continue giving us hints, no reason to doubt. Everything is fine. ;)

    7. I have seen it GF YJJ, the sharing of accessories. It was posted Sept 18, 2012 almost a year ago. I think i will read it again and again.

  2. And Retta, we want to emphasize that the hints this year are more obvious than it was before... more bolder and more pronounce... agree with GF YJJ, no need to doubt...

  3. i love the post...make me smile..yahooo :)

  4. yeah so love these post!especially the last post..and i agree with you gf yjj they were talking about university and i remembered khj asking jsm why would i go back to school and jsm answered because you want too...hehehe

  5. Thanks Gf YJJ for your great post... yes they were sharing bracelet, given from HJ Taiwanese fans, and his fan told that the bracelet wearing Minmin, is the bracelet she gave to HJ...
