
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

JSM Under Exclusive Contract with SM C&C

배우 정소민이 SM C&C와 전속계약을 체결했다.
2010년 SBS ‘나쁜 남자’로 데뷔 이후 MBC ‘장난스런 키스’, ‘스탠바이’, jtbc ‘우리가 결혼할 수 있을까’ 등 연이은 활발한 작품활동으로 배우로서 입지를 탄탄하게 다져온 정소민이 최근SM C&C에 새 둥지를 틀었다.
SM C&C 정용원 이사는 “정소민은 나이답지 않은 안정된 연기력과 외모와 스타 성을 동시에 가지고 있는준비된 배우다. 그녀의 연기에 대한 열정과 가능성에 주목했고 앞으로 더 크게 성장할 수 있도록 최선의지원을 아끼지 않겠다”고 밝혔다.
SMC&C와의 전속계약 체결로 정소민은 SM C&C의 글로벌하고 체계적인 매니지먼트 지원을 바탕으로 스크린과 안방극장에서 더욱 더 활발하게 활동하면서국내외로 활동 폭을 넓힐 전망이다.
SMC&C는 배우와 예능 MC가 소속되어 있으며 예능 프로그램 등 다양한 콘텐츠 제작도 활발히 하고 있다. 현재 배우 장동건, 김하늘, 한지민, 김수로, 공형진, 강예원등과 MC 강호동, 신동엽,김병만, 이수근, 전현무 등이 소속되어 있다.
한편, 정소민은 jtbc ‘우리가 결혼할 수 있을까’ 이후 차기작을 검토 중이다.

JSM is under exclusive contract with SM C&C.
After her debut with SBS 'Bad Guy' in 2010, and actively establishing a solid foundation with successful work for MBC 'playful kiss', 'standby', jtbc 'Can We Marry', JSM now nestles in SM C&C.
Yongwon Jung, SM C&C director, said "JSM has the talent with looks and acting skills, unusual for her age. We noticed her passion for acting and we would help her grow."

Her exclusive contract with SM C&C, JSM will broaden her range internationally and domestically, working more actively on screen and TV with global and systemic management support of SM C&C.
SM C&C has actors and entertainment MCs, and actively produce various entertainment programs.  Actors Donggun Jang, Haneul Kim, Jimin Han, Suro Kim, Hyungjin Kong, Yewon Kang, and MC Hodong Kang, Dongyup Shin, Byungman Kim, Sugeun Lee, Hyunmu Jun  are included  in SM C&C client list.
JSM is currently reviewing her next work after jtbc 'Can We Get Married'.
Credit to:
Article by:@allkpop
Thanks Hana for the translation:


  1. Good day GFs -

    MM you are looking beautiful my dear!

    Can't wait to see your next screen appearance. I hope this new agency will open up new doors for you.

    Good luck!


  2. A special thanks to GF HANA for the translation!

  3. Good Morning GFs!

    Beautiful MM... Wow! reviewing her next work... we're so excited & waiting for your new drama or movie:)

    Thanks again Hana for your help.

  4. Thanks Row for the post and thanks to Hana for the translation.

  5. Looking forward for her new project...

  6. thank u for the post...:) i`ll be waiting dear Minmin..ur new project(drma, movie etc..)


  7. Thanks GF Row and Hana for the post, I'm glad that she will work for both domestic and international projects. I wishes her a success future because she is worth it.

  8. Exclusive contract with international projects and domestic as well looking forward to it. I hope that her new projects unleash the talented actress in her. By the way, it seems some of her co-actors and actress in this agency are veterans and had already established careers. I also hope she ventures in other field of works like MCing like kang ho dong or doing variety shows.

  9. Wow, international. Come to Calif, MM. hahaha Same her Retta, I would love to see MM venture into hosting also.

  10. I'm glad and thankful to SM C&C to make Minmin international and domestic actress..
    Jang Dong Gun and Kim Ha Nuel was great actors and actress... they star in * Gentlemen Dignity *, it is a beautiful story.. and hoping Minmin will have a project that will give her an award.
    Thanks Rowshe for the post and to Hana for her translation ^^-^^
