
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

♥♥♥ PLAYFUL KISS - BTS 08/13/2010 ♥♥♥

This post is dedicated to GF Snowy as this is her favorite scene in PK.  hahaha

MM, I mean Hani, sure got back at Seunjo many times if I recall.  MM had trouble perfecting how to stick her fingers up HJ's rear-end.  hahaha  Sounds funny but it's true! 

I think they practiced it many times that I'm not sure if HJ was able to sit after.  hehehe

*ehem-ehem* Somebody's getting too chummy.  

I love this shot... they look so sweet.

Gone are the awkwardness and shyness. ^-^ 

MM let her guards down.

On to the next scene...

Awww... poor MM, felt the wrath of HJ.

I think he found her too cute and her soft skin so irresistible that he couldn't let go soon enough!  But that shouldn't be an excuse for goodness sakes.  hahaha 
But MM showed that she's a good sport.  Actually in another video, HJ apologized while slightly brushing his finger on MM's cheek.

HJ had his coordi stylist hold a fan near MM.  It was one of the hottest days in SK when they were filming this scene.  HJ displayed how considerate he was of MM!  *wink-wink*  

This scene is so touching... HJ and his assistants gathered to give MM support and relief from the heat.  Awe, who wouldn't fall in love with a nice and caring guy like HJ?  Oh well girls, too bad he's taken!  You need to find your own HJ!  Arasso? ^-^

Credit as tagged. 


  1. Hahahaha.... I know why this is Snowy's favorite PK scene!!. Hahaha.

    HJ couldn't sit for almost a week...hahaha

  2. hahaha She would pay big bucks to be MM/Hani that day. wahahahaha a week? hahahaha

    1. hahaha Can you imagine Snowy doing that scene?!. If that would happened HJ couldn't sit properly until this day. Hahaha

    2. hahaha If GF Snowy did the scene, there would be a big chaos. hahaha HJ would be screaming get this crazy woman out of here. hahahahahaha

    3. HJ's tushy wouldn't have survived...hahahahaha

    4. Hahahahaha... HJ will never be the same after doing a tushy scene with me!

    5. Better yet, HJ should never have his back turn on you when you're around GF. hahaha Danger!!!

    6. Hahahaha.. He should have his backside insured.

    7. Hahahahaha!!! XD

      Really Gf Snowy? Papi's tushy wouldn't have survived?

      Poor HJ hahahaha

      Hola Gf YJJ. Hola Gf Cyn ^^

    8. Hola Mary!.

      Snowy is very dangerous. HJ should keep his tushy away from her, hahaha. Peace gf Snowy!!

    9. Hola Mary!

      Yes, must keep Ms. Tushy Lover away from HJ. hahaha

    10. LOL XD

      I remember that she mentioned in a previous post. Naughty Snowy XP

      Hola Gf Snowy

    11. Hola GF Mary. We missed you girl!!!!

      My middle name is "naughty"

    12. Hahahaha. I will tushy my way to HJ..

  3. Find another HJ?, hahaha, it's a difficult task but it has to be done because the only one 'HJ' is already taken.

  4. If you have the money, maybe you can have him clone?! hahaha

    1. Hahahaha. Thanks for the idea Gf.

    2. Just keep your favorite photo of HJ next to you at all times so you can stare at it all day... There's a big possibility your bambino will look like HJ. Hahaha

    3. Like Gf My's INYB hahaha. That was funny.

  5. What the_______ is this????????? Hahahahahahaha

    A special post for me???????????? Hahahahaha

    Alright! I'm guilty. It's been my wish to do to HJ what Ohani had accomplished. Checked the photo second to the top.

  6. I never miss that scenes.. so funny !!! Hani do many practice, to be perfect...
    But i saw Seung Jo sitting an icebag while watching the games... i'm sure he sit that icebag, 'cause of heat weather... not Hani had done to him...
    Thanks Gf YJJ for your funny bts...

  7. I love it when khj slightly brush his finger to the cheek of minmin i always hit the pause every time i watch that bts.hehehe

  8. Hello GFS... i read news in * Koala's Playground ...
    Jung So Min joins SM C&C and rumored to join Jang Geum Seok in * Beautiful Man *, Manhwa adaptation in MBC... I feel sad' cause i don't like JGS, to be paired with Minmin...
    Hoping Minmin will not sign to these project if JGS will be the lead actor... anyway its just a rumored, i'll keep my fingers cross ^-^

    1. if JSM will do BEAUTIFUL MAN with JGS, Then she will be up against KHJ IN THE DRAMA competition, third quarter of this year. Interesting, will she or won't she?

    2. @shirly you don't have to feel sad, it's part of her job and it's for her career growth..and for sure if she signed this project it means papi allowed her...hehehe

    3. @Zyrene - sorry, I just don't want readers to get the wrong impression. MM has not signed for the project yet. As Koala said in her article JSM is being considered for the project but it doesn't mean that she has agreed to it yet. We will post the article in the blog.

    4. many things happen in the name of growth and career. just a little apprehensive.

  9. @yjj my sentence is "if" mm will signed that project..meaning we still not know if she accept the project...i'm ssorry but i don't think my statement will lead to a reader that mm accepted already the project.

    1. @zyrene - you may have used 'if' but at the same time you used past tense "signed" and "allowed" which can be concluded that it already happened. Just be careful on the use of the words next time.

  10. Hahhahaha...so lovely post Gfs...

    I like the last sentence, "HE's ALREADY TAKEN" !!! yeah it's true... So,girls, there's NO CHANCE to take him out !!! lol..hahahhah
