
Saturday, August 3, 2013


The Korean Barbie and Ken!  ^-^  

Eye-to-eye contact

Source:  日飯Blog, Translated by : 塋水Content of 2 Aug PK Night Show translation (Part 2A) From Baidu HyunMin Bar

MC: The picnic scene (BSJ and OHN’s first date at the lake) Heard that the location is near the university vicinity! Thought that I must visit it once.
HJ:  That’s in a package, there’s a pigsty, everyone please remember to bring a mask!  During filming …. (laugh) Jewel in the Palace’s package also have this location (laugh)[HJ talking things irrelevant to PK promo]

MC: During filming on location did you discover anything cute of each other?
HJ: SM seems to like to eat very much, always thinking of party stuff, step by step planning in preparation.
MM: What’s cute about that? (laugh)
HJ: That’s cute (laugh) [Everybody laughs]
MM:  When HJ sunbae sleeps he snores like a kitten!

SJ and HN’s Studying scene, both slept at the desk, HJ really was asleep.
HJ: Was really sleeping, very tired!  Because actually then there was only 2 to 3hrs of sleeping time.

Word connecting game

MM : Sea
HJ : Fish Shop (The entire audience laughed) Because in episode 9 there wasn’t any toilet so I went to the one at the fish shop nearby. (My note:  Notice HJ seem to be able to remember what happened at every episode? Myself as a PK fan yet I can't remember what happened in episode 9 or 6 etc, PK must have left a very deep impression on him

Kiss in the rain (Everybody watching the scene on the huge screen)
MC: Very intense huh? (laugh)
HJ: That’s the most intense I can think of till now ever appear before (He then laughed after saying that later!)
Audience: Why like that? (The audience laughed and HJ gets very anxious and laughed)
HJ: Kissing ! (laugh)

Favourite Japanese food
Both: Rice with beef

Jeju Island
HJ :  Honeymoon (I wrote that I like it, SM would agree to that ! (Keep laughing)

MC: Because out of 6 there are 3 wrongs, punish!

HJ get ready to run away : Since I did the forfeit in the afternoon, tonight's session let SM do it.
Finally both put their hands into the box together, HJ was afraid, didn't put his hand deep inside.
MC hurry them : Times' up.....
MM touched tofu and quickly lift out her hand (laugh)
Seeing this HJ knew and answered in Japanese : Tofu
MC : Correct

Like it very much the way HJ and SM converse with each other, because it was just like they are talking at the backstage.  Since they both spoke a lot in Korean, the MC smilingly spoke to the translator : It’s about time, can you translate?

Question Time

What kind of role do you want to act in?
HJ: Always been acting as rich kid, the next time I think I want to act as a poor kid or in a manly role

MC: You don’t suit those roles!
HJ: That’s my original appearance

MC ask MM: Give HJ a rating for his dressing style
MM: 9 points (10 points is full marks)  

Ha Ni’s bath scene

HJ:  I remember this scene, there was such a scene.

MC:  Seems like there were many NGs?

MM: The director gave a lot of directions on acting and there were many changes to the lines and standing positions which took up a lot of time.

HJ: Really didn’t have time to sleep,even 5 days overnight in a row.  Earlier when shooting BOF, heard from the director that if the first drama was this hard, the next will be easier.  I was gladly looking forward but PK turned out to be doubly harder.

Kiss in the rain scene

HJ watched the video very attentively, seems like he was suppressing his inner feelings.  MM and the MC smiled shyly.  As HJ was watching he said:  It was really acted with a confessional mood.

MC: Wasn’t it a mischievous kiss?  Should be a deep kiss right?

HJ:  The director requested it to be a passionate kissing scene and it must be done at one take OK. (Suddenly he laughed)  In my experience, this is the most intense kiss ever.  (He was too frank here)

MC:  Does it mean that it is up to now for acting in a TV drama?

HJ:  In PK, because I have acted in two dramas only, it’s imaginary.

MC:  Not in your private appointments?

HJ (laughed):  This shoot was really difficult, there wasn’t enough water, need to be done at one take.  Because it’s nearing dawn 6am, it was really rush.  Actually SM wasn’t feeling well that day and she took some medicine.

MM:  I didn’t feel well and had some medicine.

(It was said to be done in one take but the camera was placed in different positions to shoot and that already took 3 to 4 times.  2 persons’ kiss should have a certain feeling of shared happiness; it didn’t seem distasteful to look on.  If this is how to get married then it will be just like them.) (My note:  This is the blogger's opinion)

MC to MM:  In the TV drama you wore many cute clothing, how do you dress usually?

MM: I too like cute clothing but recently have been wearing trendy clothes.

MC: How do you want your future boyfriend to dress up?  About how many points do you give HJ’s clothing style?

MM: How one dress most importantly is whether the person suits it or not.  HJ sunbae 9 points. 100 points as full marks(laughed)

HJ seem quite upset:  Me? Actually I have no choice; it seems that it was just those few clothes for the filming.  For example, even if it’s the same clothes but still need to continue to wear them. (HJ like a schoolboy defending himself)
MM: It’s 9 points out of 10 as full marks actually.

MC: Please tell what little secrets only you both know of each other, or anything that’s cute.
HJ: SM has very good appetite for food.
MM laughed
HJ: SM doesn’t eat a lot but will eat different varieties of food (laughed) like at a birthday party (a variety of food)
MM: If there are people around me, I’ll dare to eat not leaving food behind, normally I don’t do that.
MC: Why…why?
MM: During a break while eating a very big hamburger, because it is as large as a face I didn’t see HJ in front, then I heard - kekeke… sound of laughter and it was HJ filming me with a film recorder. I told him - quickly delete it off, erase it off quickly.
HJ: When SM was eating the hamburger, her face is like a piglet (laughed)
MM held her fist to hit HJ and HJ reached out to block it (laughed)
HJ corrects: Just like a little squirrel holding with 2 hands to eat an acorn as she ate the hamburger.
MM: This is cute? Call me piglet.
HJ facing the audience: Cute or not? (Weak reaction from the audience)
MC: Then SM do you find HJ cute in anyway?
MM: When HJ sleeps he snores like a kitten (laughed)
MM facing the audience: Can this be said as cute? (The audience laughed)
MC: Then both of you can be called kitten and a little squirrel (laughed)
What do you want to do most this summer?
Both: Soccer
HJ: I just wrote down what I thought yet SM wrote the same answer!
MC: Playful Kiss the TV drama
MM:  Director
HJ:  Oh Ha Ni
It was then forfeit time followed by a quiz with the audience, both performed their songs and it was the ending.
HJ: Finally, thank you everyone for giving PK so much love.  Please keep BSJ’s existence in your heart forever.  After this I will continue to work hard as an actor and singer.
**Latest additional translation by淘气默 of Baidu HyunMin Bar on the ending part –

^The above was from the Day Event -- per the request of Bella Bee.  

MM: Very grateful that everyone has been waiting for today.
HJ:  Please give more love to PK and hope everyone will forever remember BSJ.  Thank you for loving me and Jung Su Min.

Credit as tagged. 


  1. Love the giggling and infectious laughs. Both appeared to be very happy that night. They were both glowing!

    1. Yes, at both events (day & evening).

    2. I agree with you GFs...

      Thank you YJJ for this post :}

  2. So glad for this post... i never read a complete translation before... only bits and pieces... and not as clear as the one above... anyway, as i read these translations now, i look at it as part and parcel of the continuing love story of our fave couple...love these two, really ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

    1. I too, enjoyed reading the translation.

      We're they asked what first came to mind with "Jeju Island"? Hahaha HJ was quick to answer "Honeymoon" hmmmmmm why HJ? Did you like the kissing part of the honeymoon?

      Kiss in the rain was the most intense kiss for him ever????? Hahahaha - yes HJ, we agree and it was a real kiss right? I am pretty sure when asked 20 years from now of what would be your unforgettable film... You would say without hesitation that it's Playfull Kiss.

  3. love their early interaction in FM wish we could see them together again we never know everything is possible as long as we believe

  4. I love all your post Gf YJJ, the FM at Japan... eating like squirrel and sleeping like snoring kitten, given name to each other.
    HJ said kiss in the rain was most intense kiss for him... love his answer... he also said that, when he was in Singapore, promoting his album " Break down and Kiss,Kiss "..
    Please Gf YJJ, give us more FM of Minmin and HJ... Thanks lot *****

  5. Million thanks to you,YJJ.
    The Black one was seriously sexy, however the red one was stunning.
    Her skin is very beautiful and healthy, every colors are complementing her.
    But it's very rare to find MM wearing red off screen, so it's my favorite MM's outfit.

    1. You're welcome. Yes, she's stunning in anything red. Have you also noticed that lately she has on white and black in her photo update... influenced by HJ? hehehe
