
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jung So Min: FB Update - 10/27/13 w/English translation

송유진디자이너님 패션쇼간날! 제니하우스에서 옷고르는중ㅎ 헤어하기전 감고나온직후라 머리 어쩔ㅜ 지못미... 결국 무슨옷을 입었을까요~? 맞추신분께는 소량의 상품을 드리지않습니다>_=

English translation:

I went to fashion show of designer Song Yujin!
I was picking some clothes at Jenny House. My hair was right after being washed before hair-styling, so quite not neat.  So what clothes did I put on in the end~? For those who get the right answer, a small present will not be given >_=

                        Chic and simply elegant MinMin!


  1. Wooooooow.... MM you are stunning and hip looking chick!

  2. Mm looks cute and beautiful...i.like the outfit!

    1. She's probably going to be in another magazine pages soon. The photos seems to be taken during a magazine pictorial.

  3. Good evening to you MM... I hope you are taking your vitamins and getting your 8 hr beauty sleep. I love you!

  4. Mm look likes a doll........very pretty,,,!!

  5. Why, im bothered...she's becoming disturbingly thin...i like her with little weight on just like in PK...pls do take care of yourself.....

    1. I hope she won't lose anymore weight. I did not like the way she looked in Standby. She was too thin at that time.

  6. Good morning Snowy and evening Giani!!!
    MM you are Chic Fashionista!!! Love the outfit.

  7. Hello GFs....Lorna, Giani, and itsjaney....

  8. Hello everyone, it has been a while since i posted comments..been busy with work. Hope everyone is having a good time 😉

    1. Thanks gf. We are doing fine and in good health. I hope you are getting a break from your busy schedule Gf.

  9. Hello everyone, it has been a while since I last commented..been busy with work. Hope everyone is having a good time 😉

  10. Minmin please gain more wt. and take care of yourself God bless all.

  11. She looks like a doll!!!! so pretty and chic!!

    Hello gfs!!

  12. Good evening Gfs... it's almost 2:45 a.m. but i do comment first before i go to sleep...
    Minmin looks young, her face like a baby face ... but i'm aware of her health... she's thin , seems she lost some weight .
    Love to see OHN'S outlook...

    1. MM looks fine to me. The reason she looks thinner I think is due to the dark colors she's wearing. When you wear black (my favorite) it makes you look thinner.

    2. She looks fine to me too. If you look her picture when she attend the Premier few days ago she's not that thin...Modu (not the dog) will take care of her..hahaha

    3. Hello Gf Lorna. MM is lucky that she can lose weight with no problem anytime she wants.

  13. Hi Gf Snowy. You got that right even I workout everyday still can't lose weight....I ate a lot (buffet)...hahaha
    I think MM workout too and you know who love to exercise?HJ

  14. She looks like a doll. On the 2nd picture, that's MM in a bun on the tv screen.

    I think it's the camera, GFs. Especially the 1st 2 pictures' image is off.

    1. I think it's the camera angle too.

      Hahaha.. Same here GF... It's hard to lose a pound .

  15. She's had the gorgeous legs too. She had it all!! What a Lucky Guy.

    1. That's what I said before. MM has killer legs. She should have them insured.

  16. Yap, she needs too. She had the best legs in SK celebrities.

  17. MM, I will guess which outfit you picked from Jenny House. The outfit on the first photo. The color combination is perfect on you. Common, MM, you better give me a present if I guessed it right!

  18. My guess is the last photo. Because she looked more content with them on.

  19. First outfit!!!
    MM if I got it right, My prize will be the PK blanket so I can sell to GF Snowy.....hahaha
    It cost Gf Snowy two air ticket to SK I'll bring Gf YJJ with me...hehehe

  20. Hahaha yeah GF, sell it to me.... 2 first class tickets to SK. For you and YJJ. Waaaah.

    1. You read that MM, Gf snowy will pay 2 first class ticket for the blanket. MM and LG signed it too so she pay our hotel ( Gf we want five star)..... Hahaha

    2. Hahaha....Whatttt.........GFs Lorna and YJJ want to go to SK paid by GF Snowy.....?????
      GF Snowy please paid my ticket too...... hahahahahahha

    3. Hahahaha..I said first clas tickets because I know it's not going to happen. HJ will never let that blanket leave his hands. Hahahaha

  21. Good day to my dear fellow. I have been countering the loading problem of the blog on my cellphone so that I have been not able to post any comments since yesterday. I am mad now. I can't reach the blog unless I have got a PC with me. Am sad....

  22. **correction: I have been encountering the loading problem, not countering.

  23. Hi GF. Maybe the reception is weak?

  24. I don't think it is the matter of poor reception. It is good and fast enough to load the 1st page of the blog. However, when I clicks any headings to check the details, only half of the contents can be loaded and then no responds no matter how I scroll or press the screen. It is strange that it is fine and smooth when I browse other website... am frustrated.:(

    1. My internet connection on my phone is 2GB a month, there are times that when i used it a lot specially watching videos I could only get a good connection in 2 weeks and after that, the connection is too slow.

    2. I never use my phone to check and comment in the blog because there are times or most of the tiime it takes a long time for the page to open.

    3. Im using my phone in checking and commenting the blog everyday. The only trouble sometimes Gf if the attachment is a lot and it will take some time to open.

  25. Hi Gf Bescaca I had the same problem too if I used my cellphone. If I used my IPad I don't have a problem maybe the cellphone reception is weak.

  26. Good morning GF Snowy, I had nightmare so I wake up early...maybe the troll frighten me hahaha...but I'm okay now...kekeke

    1. The troll came to visit you? You would definitely have a nightmare GF.

  27. Replies
    1. Hello author-Asri. Thanks for dropping by. I'm your biggest fan in AFF, by the way. I'm loving the latest episodes of ACS. :) Well, actually all your HyunMin stories. :)
