
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

(정소민) Jung So Min Attends "Girls" VIP Premiere on October 23, 2013

                       [포토] 정소민 '성숙미 물씬 풍기는 가을패션'

기사 이미지
                                           Jung So Min's fall fashion

배우 정소민이 23일 오후 서울 강남구 신사동에 위치한 압구정CGV에서 진행된 영화 ‘소녀’ VIP시사회에 참석해 포즈를 취하고 있다.

한편 영화 '소녀'는 사소한 말실수로 친구를 죽게 한 도시 소년 윤수(김시후 분)가 잔혹한 소문에 휩싸인 산골 소녀 해원(김윤혜 분)에게서 자신과 닮은 상처를 발견하게 되고 그녀를 외면할 수 없어 결국 가슴 아픈 사랑에 빠지는 두 사람의 이야기를 그린 작품으로 오는 11월7일 개봉한다.

파이낸셜뉴스 스타엔 star_hi@starnnews.com조혜인 기자

English translation:

[photo] Somin Jung, 'fall fashion with mature beauty.

Actress Somin Jung attended to a preview of 'Girl', on 23rd afternoon at Abgujung CGV (movie theater) located on Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
The movie 'Girl' is a work of two people who fall in heartbreaking love; An urban boy Yoonsoo (by Sihoo Kim), who made his friend killed by his small misstatement, found similar hurt from Haewon(by Yoonhye Kim) who has cruel rumor, which in the end makes the boy unable to look away from her. And this film is going to be released on November 7th.

English translation provided by:  Hana Kim

/파이낸셜뉴스 스타엔 star_hi@starnnews.com조혜인 기자

기사제보 및 보도자료 press@starnnews.com




  1. Olala, Mm is so pretty! The lovely fashionista.

    Thanks Gf Snowy for posting

    1. Hola Gf Mhel,

      MM is very pretty^^!

      Love her outfit.

      I want the bag!!! Kekeke

    2. Hi Gf Cyni, ask Mm to give one or you. Hehehehe

    3. Yes MM is very beautiful if Gf Cyn want the bag , I want the shoes..kekekekeke

    4. Hi Gfs Mhel and Cyn I want that bag too..hahaha

    5. Whoaaaa everyone wants her shoes n bag! Haha nothing left for me? Hahaha

      Nevermind haha i want MM then! As thats the only one left for me woohooo! peace Papi!!!

      Hola GFs!

    6. Hola Lorna and BHani!

      This crazy kiddo, hahahaha... HJ won't let you, he will give you one of his stares and petrified you...hahaha

    7. Hi Gf Lorna...hahaha you want her bag too? Lol

    8. Ciao Kiddo! Hahaha you know Mm a fashionista...

    9. Hahaha... Hola all GFs..it's very fun, the troll can't coments again, be careful Gf Cyn ana Lorna maybe the troll want MM bag too..hahahhahahahah

    10. Whoaahahahahaha that means i choose one, i get one free! I have Mami and....the sexy stares of papi! And his... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ouch! Hahahahahaha

      Whoaaa hola my sweet 17 Mommy Mhel! yeheeeee yup yup yup!! Whatever she wears she looks incredibly beautiful a totally fashionista of GForce yeheeeee

    11. Yeah Gf Mazzy you got Extra discount voucher give me one please hahaha

  2. Yes Gfs I want that bag but I notice something that other than the bag...

    And the bracelet too...hahaha MM don't hide it I had eagle eye like Gf YJJ. Lol

  3. Gf Hani
    Troll can't afford that bag...hahaha

  4. Hi Dear Gf's I love MM's Bag. Channel wow...fashion girl.

  5. Hello GFs -- I want the bag too. kekeke

    1. I'll ask MM to hand it over to me when she gets tired of it. hahahaha I don't care if it's all scratched up. hahahaha

    2. Gf Cyn you are right Gf YJJ need to fall in line...hahaha that will end up traveling around the world.Lol

  6. I love her outfit,i like it minmin can i barrow your bag hehehehehe

    1. Hello joydh -- now that I have a good look at her outfit... I like it too. Her outfit is different from what celebrities in SK wear. Her style has elegance to it.. it has class. woooohoooo our MM is really a fashionista.

  7. Hi GFs!!

    MM looks fancy!! I like her over coat!!

  8. Yes Yjj shes one of a kind,thats our lovely minmin nobody will disagree.your honor....

  9. Hi GFs...

    Love your Channel bag Mm. Is that your second Channel? The last picture I saw you with a Channel , was a tote bag. You're looking good MM.

    1. This is the 3rd Chanel bag that I've seen GF. She has the satchel and tote style. She has an expensive taste on bags and shoes. kekeke

    2. Yes, this is the third one I have ever seen.

    3. Thanks girls. This is the second time I saw MM with a different Channel bag.

  10. I agree with you gf Yjj Somin have a taste in bags and shoes and knows how to combine them with dresses she wear and only a fashionesta can do that......thanks snowy for the post

  11. You are always beautiful minmin!

  12. I agree with you GF Esing, MM always beautiful inside and outside.

  13. Did you notice YSY is there... in the collage pic.

  14. Yes it's true GFs ... well Papi HJ send bodyguard to covered Mami MM... Hahaha

  15. Wow !!! Minmin truly smart, elegant and beautiful fashionista !!!
    Lovable outfit made her perfect !!!
    Hi Gfs !!! Yoon Shi Yoon was there too..... thanks Gf Snowy for the post .
