
Thursday, October 24, 2013

★★★ TONIGHT Premium Hints ★★★

Cross Pendant

The Bracelet (Ref:  Special Post-Inkigayo, 7/29/13)

The female dancer's hair in a "bun".  (Love Story video)  

Three female dancers in HyunMin colors:  white shorts, black & white top; red top with black & white shorts.  One in MM's favorite color:  blue.  And, MM loves wearing short shorts.  

Isn't it very noticeable how supportive HJ's dancers are of his Little Lady?  I guess they want to keep their boss inspired whenever he performs on stage.  ;)

HJ's shirt with letters MM (in red circle), numbers 3 and 2 (green arrow), the word Seoul and 2 letters of J (yellow arrow-- for Joong and Ji).  

(References:  #3: Special Post-Unbreakable Hints/Facts, Part 1 on 7/20/13; #2: Special Post-Most Recent Hints on 9/8/13 and Hint & Coincidence #6).

Black & White hat w/wonder woman design image.  (Ref:  Special Post-Latest Hints, 8/27/13)

Lastly, on his way back to SK wearing a black & white sweat top with 3 legged 3-headed dragon.  (Ref:  Special Post-Inkigayo, 7/29/13)

Credit as tagged. 


  1. Enjoy for the special post of Gf Yjj, GFs....

    1. wuah thankyou GF yjj your special hint...
      i love this,..fact,fact and fact papi Hj your best for mami kekeke-.-

    2. Hello Gf Cepty...Hj never failed to make us happy and giddy, right?

  2. That's right Gf Mhel...it amazing HJ so inspired with MM such a romantic guy...I'm melting...hihihihi
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post...Daebak...

  3. Hello Gfs... Wow , what a wonderful * Hints *... you made my day Gf YJJ... love it so much !!!
    Thanks HJ for showing that hints... that's why i love HyunMin forever... it's real !!!
    I really thanks Gf YJJ... love you Gfs !!!

  4. Hello Gf Mhel, Cepty and Shirley...Good AM/PM all Gfs..
    HyunMin love is real and forever......BANZAIIIII......

  5. Woohoo...another hint post by GF YJJ.... And thanks to HJ for giving us more hints or else today's hint won't be possible.

    MM again was in HJ's mind when he planned his stage performance at this concert. Who could not miss the hairstyles of the 2 dancers in particular. One is wearing the exact hairstyle MM had during CWGM and the other dancer Had her hair up in a bun just like the way MM does it. I think the female dancers knows about MM and HJ and were happy to do their part to make their boss, HJ happy.

    1. Good dancers know to make the boss happy ( HJ ), Hyunmins Gfs happy too....hahaha ...^_^

    2. When HJ gives us hints as obvious as this one...it makes us very happy

    3. Yes sure Gf ... we very happy Yooohooooo. Thanks HJ, love HJ and MM always and forever.

    4. Good morning/evening Gfs
      Thanks Gf YJJ for the post.
      It's raining of Hints in hyunmin Universe...hahaha
      HYUNMIN forever!!!!

    5. Good evening Gf Lorna.
      Yes HyunMin Forever !!!!

  6. yes right,GF i was sick today but its so healthy after seeing this.,
    hyunmin make me crazy kekeke

    1. Gf Cepty semoga cepet sembuh, makan dan istirahat yang banyak.
      Memang HyunMin couple adalah obat / vitamin bagi kita semua....hehehhhehehehehe

    2. iya thanks Gf hani,wuah selalu dan selalu di setiap penampilan hj it pasti Mm selalu disampingnya mkin percya ma mereka,,hehehe hati selalu berdebar lo liat mreka kekeke

    3. Huahahahaha ... Betul...Cinta HJ dan MM membuat damai hati kita semua.

    4. Get well soon Gf Cepty................!!! hahhahahhahahah betul itu. mereka selalu membuat kita smile,,,:)

    5. Halo Gf Giani....senyum membuat kita awet muda, terima kasih pada HJ & MM yang membuat kita selau senyum dan awet muda hahahhahahahaha

  7. It's raining of hints again from Papi...hahahaha

    i need to learn other languages here

  8. Hahaha what languages Gf Mhel... I think body language from Papi it's enough kekekekekkee

    1. Gf hani Gf Mhel know hyunmin. Language too she's expert on it...hahaha

  9. Hahahahaha...I hear you come from Philippines it's that right Gf Mhel..it's near Indonesia, HyunMin Gfs from Indonesia will teach you Indonesia language...kekeke

    1. Hahaha yes indonesua us close to philippines. But im a bad student Gf...lol

    2. Huahaahahaaaaaaaaa....I'm bad teacher too....

  10. You're welcome GFs. I'm glad you like it. I know one is fuming angry with this post but who cares about that oger. hehehehe

  11. Huuuuaawwww

    Admin investigator is back!!! Thank u Gf YJJ!!

    wow 'Mm' is on the first line. u know why he put letters 'MM' on the first line? I guess definitely YES! hahaha

    May I put my thoughts?
    As far as I know that Hyunmin haven't tell us yet about the date. they just said "February, 2011."
    Numbers 3 & 2 might be stand for 3-2-2011..
    I guessed :) hahahahahahha
    *crazy tthought* lol

    1. Hello Merianda -

      hahahaha I'll just say lalalalalala hahahaha

  12. Huuuuaawwww

    Admin investigator is back!!! Thank u Gf YJJ!!

    wow 'Mm' is on the first line. u know why he put letters 'MM' on the first line? I guess definitely YES! hahaha

    May I put my thoughts?
    As far as I know that Hyunmin haven't tell us yet about the date. they just said "February, 2011."
    Numbers 3 & 2 might be stand for 3-2-2011..
    I guessed :) hahahahahahha
    *crazy tthought* lol

  13. Woohoo GF YJJ!!! What a nice treat! Love all the FACTs that MM is always in HJ's mind... thank you for the wonderful post

  14. Hello GFs I'm new fans of Hyunmin couple..thanks to the admin for the post.

    1. Hello Gf Chairunnisha, welcome to the blog and thank you for dropping by and for the comment.

    2. Hello Chairunnisha, welcome to the blog. Hope you will visit the blog often. Please feel free to join chats anytime!

    3. Hi, Chairunnisha Welcome to the blog!!

    4. Hello CA (hope you don't mind as your name is too long... hahaha) - welcome to the blog. I'm glad you like my post. Let me guess... you're also from Indonesia?

    5. Hola CA!!!... welcome to the blog!!^^

      Do you have a short name?

    6. Hello GFs, Thanks for the welcome
      You can call me Icha.
      Yes I come from Indonesia.

    7. Hello GFs, Thanks for the welcome
      You can call me Icha.
      Yes I come from Indonesia.

    8. Whoa.... so do you all know Baek HaNi, Merianda, etc? Are you all from the same group or HyunMin fanclub in Indonesia? Thank you girls for visiting us regularly. :)

    9. ^correction: I mean if you know BHN, Merianda, etc.

    10. Hello GFs...........
      Yes I know Baek HaNi..she is my friend ....
      I have request to the GFs admins please share more picture JSM and KHJ......
      Thanks you GFs.... :)

    11. Hello GFs......
      Yes I know Baek Hani..she is my best friend.....haha
      I have a request for the GFs admins please share more picture JSM and KHj
      Thanks you GFs... :*

    12. Hello GF Icha, YJJ is now working hard on screencap, I'm sure that more pictures of them are coming.

  15. Hello GF Chairunnisha Azzahra, welcome to the blog. Thank you for your visit and comment.
    We hoping that you will visit us more often.

  16. wuaaah....what a hint what a fact...Hj you really are good to us hyunmin fans....thanks to gf Yjj for the post qnd to all the admins for making this blog lively to all who visit. I always sneak to the blog even when i get a second free from work

    1. Hi ! GF Rienhild, thanks for your comment, please visit our blog when you have time^^.

  17. Replies
    1. Hello GF Esing! yes Hyunmin is love ❤️❤️❤️

    2. Hello Esing. Welcome to the blog.

      Yes HyunMin is love...definitely!!!!!

    3. Hello to both of you !!!!!! Hyunmin love love love and more love! ^^^

  18. 2 means the second month of the year.

  19. Hi Ro

    Hello GFs...good day to you all.

    Re: 2.... When 2 became 2 in 2.... Lol? What day in 2?

  20. Lol when 2 becomes 1!!!

    But if you followed her cyworld in Feb 2011... ♥♡♥♡

    1. Lol...... When 2 wrapped into 1.

      I saw the screencap of her CYworld message in February....hmmmmm!!!! Your blog has a lot of HyunMin goodies my friend!

  21. Replies
    1. And I saw her special message meant for "Lucky Guy" and that's why probably LG rushed from the airport to her side. Hahaha.

      It must be your fanart I saw then.

    2. Hahaha he always rush back to where she is!!!

    3. ALWAYS???? Hahahahaha Woohooo!!!!

  22. Hi GF Icha hehe finally you comment here...

  23. Hi GF Icha .... finally you comment here....^_^
