
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

(정소민) Jung So Min's New Drama ~ Preview ~

Cr. to KBSdrama

Thanks to Human 1981 for the screencaps

Screencaps by human1981


  1. Good am/pm Dear Gf's I loved this preview! I can't wait...for this special drama...thanks for the post Gf Cyni.

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry GF Bescaca for the delay ... I was on the phone and did not realize there were comments waiting to be published. Sorry.

    2. No problem, Gf Snowy…… that is the way to keep our blog clean and happy …… no more trolls(≧∇≦)

  3. Oh my.... MM is so beautiful. Waaaah how I wish today is Nov. 10 already!!!!!

  4. Yes MM is very beautiful even she cried.
    Love u MM .........

  5. I love you MM, when you cry like I feel your grief, your acting is very good.

  6. Hello Gfs!!

    KBS we want more previews!!!

  7. Hello GFs
    I'm excited!!!!
    Even she's crying she still beautiful.

  8. Hi GF
    Im so excited,how many days to go its minmin time!!!! waiting waiting,God bless you our dear minmin.

  9. O to the H to the M to the Y to the G to the O to the D! OH MY GOD! Thats the first two words that come out when i watch this vid hahaha finally! We got to see the preview! Yeheeee i cant wait to watch the full episodes!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hola GFs! Good 12AM( my time) heheheh

    1. Hola Kiddo Camilita Mazzy!!

      How are you?. I miss you!!!! U_U . Hope everything is okay.

      How is school?...

      I miss to talk to you. <3

    2. Hola Gf Mazzy you are very funny kekekekkeke.

    3. Yuhuuuuuu sistaa chynita! Yeeehaaa! Haha im fine, alive and kicking here! thanks to HyunMin, they keep me alive despite my critical situation in school haha Wohooo!
      Argh..school? I want to burn it! Hahahahaha as usual... 'FUN' yea.. yea.. fun 0_O if you know what i mean hahahaha <3 <3

      Assalamualaikum GF Ha Ni! I see that youre often using your language here in the conversations hehehe good news... i can understand your language yeheee! :D

    4. Hahaha... glad to hear you are alive and kicking!!!... Woohooo!!!!

      Yeah, school is very fun... X_X. When are you having a break?

    5. Wassalamualaikum Gf Mazzy…WOW kamu bisa bahasa Indonesia , HEBAT, kalo boleh tau kamu dari Negara mana?? Menurut aku Gf Mazzy adalah HyunMin Gf yang terlucu dan tergila hahahhaha..

    6. There was a break early this month during Asean summit in my country but break feels like theres no holidays at all... as i have to come to Uni to do my assingnments and making a group video for my project.. huwaaaaaa so much fun! T_T hahahahaha

      Its 1AM here already gotta sleep sist.. i have classbtomorrow morning T_o huwaaaaaaa hahahaha

      I will be back soon! Good night everyone! Happy sweet HYunMin dreams to me! Yeeeheeeeee!!!

    7. Yeehee! Coba teka dulu dari negara mana hhehehe nggak fun jadinya kalau ngak ada teka teki hahahahah whoahh kamu bisa terus menebak saya adalah yang crazy here hehehe thats why my sister Chynita and the others call me that way hahahahahah
      Youre not sleeping? I bet its 12AM already at your place, naah?

    8. I will check the answer of the teka teki when i wake up later, now i really need my small bed yeeheeee! Good night GFs!

    9. Good night Gf Mazzy have a sweet dream and sleep well,aku tau kamu dari Brunai kan hahahaha, I want to sleep too it was 12 AM
      Good night all GFs.

    10. Goodnight GF Baek Ha Ni... Sorry for not chatting with you guys today. I'm a bit busy. Have a sweet dream GF.

  10. Waaaaaaaaahhhhh I can't wait to watch this drama. And man... the chemistry... I like!!! Ooooooooohhhhhh!!!!! hahahaha

    1. They're oozing with chemistry. waaaahhhhhh Sorry HJ but I'm just telling the truth... your Little Lady looks good with every good looking guy she has worked with... including you. hahahaha Peace!

    2. Hahahaha...HJ shouldn't be worried, he is the king of Little Lady's heart.

    3. Ummm... he shouldn't but I think he still has some insecurities. hahahaha That's just an opinion so no need to bite my head off. hahahaha

    4. Yeah GF that's true...no one can't stand the beautiful of MM even the ugly oger hahhahahaha

  11. I wish i could drag the time and it is nov 10 already. So excited from the preview of mm drama. Yes,they look good together peace papi only for the drama. You're still the one

  12. Waahhh! Can't wait! This is gonna be a heartwarming drama from our little lady. And yeah they have chemistry. Don't get me wrong, but sometimes he looks like HJ to me. Or is it the hair?? Hahaha

  13. Waaaa a late comment from me... Watching the preview gives me a goodfeeling that its going to.be a good story... Cant wait for this drama...

    Hello Gfs!

  14. Hello Gf Mhel..Good day in my place hehehe

  15. Hello Gf Mhel..Good day in my place hehehe

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. MM is so beautiful and a good actress, can't wait for her drama in November! Gosh does she have flawless skin!

  18. Mm really did a good job wants to watch this drama already even when there is no kbs from ma place just ve to wait and watch on ytube.....and their chemistry was good
