
Saturday, December 28, 2013

★ Interesting "HyunMin Facts" from the Past ★

First, HJ & MM's high school pictures -- notice any similarities besides the hair style?  Their facial shape and prominent lips.  ^-^

Photo credit to:   Kim Ayu HyunMin

★★★   ★★★  

Thank you, GF BB, for this great HyunMin fact find. 

At the PK-FM in Tokyo (day event) the emcee complimented MM's beautiful skin and asked her secret.

HJ intently looking at MM when she stated the fact that she didn't take care of her skin until recently and that her mom advised her to use sunscreen daily. 

Look how flawless MM's skin is -- she's just as pretty with less make-up.  Now, can one blame the guy who stares and glances at her frequently.  kekeke

On 10-13-2011, a photo of MM after consultation with a dermatologist surfaced. 

Guess who else consults with the same dermatologist!?!  We can only guess that this photo was taken before PK from how skinny HJ looks in the picture.  


  1. Family dermatologist!

    Thanks to gf BB for the hint!

  2. wooow... this blog is a discovery channel....Gfs always discover something interesting facts.O(∩_∩)O

  3. Hi GFs!!!
    Welcome back GF Snowy!!!
    The same dermatologist and optometrist....hehehehe

  4. Hahahaha....
    Thanks GF YJJ and BB
    We start the new year with raining FACTS.....kekeke

    1. Maybe GF YJJ can publish 2013 HyunMin Facts.

    2. Hello GFs. What do you mean, GF Snowy? recap of all 2013 HyunMin Facts???

    3. Yes GF YJJ.... 2013 HyunMin Facts sheet. Lol!!!!

  5. GF YJJ - Facts that makes troll heart bleeds.....hehehe

  6. Wooow....this blog really something...kekeke....a lot of HyunMin treasure could find in here...hahaha....
    Thanks GFs admin team...you guys really made my day.... :D

    Ohh yeah...I like idea GF Buddy #3 and GF Snowy....Flashback HyunMin Hints & Facts 2013...okay Idol YJJ you could do it for your fans....kekeke :p

  7. Good evening Gfs.!!! I like the idea of Gfs...Flashback HyunMin Hints and Facts 2013...Gf YJJ. !!! *please *... Thanks Gf BB for the hints and thanks Gf YJJ for the lovely post ^_^ Hello Gf Snowy.!!! I'm glad you're back my dear ...
