
Friday, December 27, 2013

Hint or Fact #2

Here's another hint or fact courtesy of GF BB! 

On Dec. 22nd, MM's musical professor at the university posted photos in his twitter account; it included photos of him with MM and a group photo with MM and other students.  As can be seen MM with "v" or peace sign.

The following day, Dec. 23rd, the media shared a photo of HJ with lead actress in IG - both actors also did a "v" or peace sign... or, is it Could it be that HJ and MM are showing their #2 gesture.  *wink-wink* 


  1. Kekeke.....#2 are favorite number for HyunMin couple....although they body are separated by long distance but they keep send signal to keep near each other...ehmmm like FAR FROM THE EYES BUT NEAR FROM THE HEART....hehehe....omo...why I so cheesy this day?????kekeke

    Thanks to GF BB for the fact and Idol YJJ for the post :D

  2. Hi Idol YJJ and GF Cyn :)
    Hi GFsss!!!!
    Good morning or evening !!!!!
    Buddy #3...where are you ???? waaahhhh Hyunmin couple show #2 again is my lucky number in this blog.....kekeke

    1. Hello #2 - so, we can start calling you Ms. Cheese Whiz since you're getting cheesy like HJ!?! kekeke

    2. Kekeke...Idol YJJ....another name for me your big fans....hahaha

    3. Hi GF Idol!
      The wine opener is prefect gift for HJ since he started drinking wine too....I think someone influence him...hehehe

    4. I named HJ Mr. Cheese Whiz in AFF because of his cheesy lines.

      Yes, GF Lorna. As soon as I saw it in the mall, I saw HJ's name written all over it. kekeke Yes, I knew that he started drinking wine because MM can only handle wine.

    5. GF YJJ- so your the one who named HJ Mr. Cheese Whiz I don't know that I need to visit AFF....hehehe
      So if HJ is now drinking wine you can be his drinking Buddy...HJ is safe MM!!! He is in a good hand...kekeke

    6. Yes, it was before we created the blog... you should go back and read the comments section of "I Need You Back" and "How Did You Know". hahahaha That's where I met the crazy GFs: Snowy, Mhel, Cyn, Mazzy, etc. hahahaha

    7. Kekeke...so this history this blog was from AFF.
      Buddy #3 you should visit AFF someday...you will interesting with Hyunmin fanfics especially with Rated M story...hahaha

    8. Yes, we all met in AFF. We had so much fun... we literally used the comment sections as chat room. hahahaha And, the author (GF Mylin) would join our conversations too. We promoted HJ's songs or MM's drama (Standby) in the comment sections. hehehe

    9. Hahaha.....it must be fun and insteresting...so who was the first person who has idea to created this blog???

    10. I think it was GF Cyn and Snowy. I was told after it was created.... no proper training or anything that's why the first post was my greetings. kekeke I thought I was just leaving a comment... it turned out it's the first post in the blog. hahahaha

    11. Kekeke....you don't need any training Idol YJJ....you already has talent to analysis and observation HINTS and FACTS from HyunMin couple and to share with us in this blog.....hehehe

  3. Good Am/pm GFs!!!
    Buddy #2......I'm here!!!! Why you became too cheesy this days??? HJ influence you or your in-love...hehehehe
    Thanks for the post GF BB!!!!!! FACT.....FACT

  4. Kekeke...yes HJ influence me....and sure I in love with my hubby.....hehehe

  5. Thanks for the post GF YJJ.....^^

    1. You're welcome, GF BB. Keep the hints coming, gf. ;)

  6. hi!!! probablemente no tenga nada que ver, pero me parece una señal del destino que Kim Jae Wook aparezca en un drama con hj y antes participó en Bad Guy con MM. <3

    1. Hola Nikita!.

      Pienso lo mismo; es el destino!

  7. Hi Gf Nikkita, welcome to the blog. I apologize for the delay in publishing your comment. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
