
Saturday, December 14, 2013


Thank you so much to 我爱海兰 of Tieba Baidu HyunMin for granting me permission to post these hints in the blog.  Also, thank you to our liaison to Baidu HyunMin, GF Bescaca, and GF Cyn for informing me of these hints.

Hint #1 - Couple sunglasses or at least the same brand

Hint #2 - Flower design on MM's phone case and the large flower stage piece in Unbreakable

Hint #3 - it took awhile to grasp what the hint was because I don't speak their language and the photo is too small.  I checked the photo we have in the blog then it hit me... the cap MM is holding is HJ's cap from "Unbreakable".  waaaahhh this made me so giddy.  ^-^ 

Again, thank you to 我爱海兰 of Baidu HyunMin for these wonderful hints/facts.


I'd also like to share my latest observation from MM's recent FB update - the #2 gesture in these photos.

HJ's #2 gestures when he sang Your Story and Gentleman in tv and at an event?  ^-^



Credit as tagged and 我爱海兰 of Tieba Baidu HyunMin  


  1. Thanks for the post GF YJJ and our Baidu HyunMin friends.
    Your observations are great.^^

  2. Olala, very nice post Gf Yjj. Hyunmin never fail in giving us more hints.

    Thank you Hyunmin Baidu for sharing this hints with us.

    Hello Gfs, happy Saturday!

  3. Raining hints ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Love it soooo much ( ´ ▽ ` )♡

  5. Wuaah amaziiiing hint...

    Love love love
    happy saturday night gfs

  6. Thanks for the post GF YJJ!!! Love this couple very much...

  7. Good a.m./p.m girls!!

    Thank you so much to HyunMin Baidu, gf Bescaca and of course gf YJJ for this post.

    Love the lotto flower design in MM's cell phone and of course she was wearing HJ's cap because he was with her in Busan...kekeke

  8. Wow wonderful hints !!! It makes my day happy ..... love HyunMin couple forever !!!
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post... thanks also to HyunMin Baidu and Gf Bescaca.

  9. visiting gfroce site always cheers me up :) actually i was a little down few hours ago since i saw mm's new updated photos about a series of comic on her fb. i heard that 12/14 is one of korean valentine days that called hug day, but seems mm feels lonely. i was worried about her. anyway, it's good to have you girls, this post really cheer me up. thanks girls!

    1. Hello Momo - welcome to the blog. Awww... no need to be sad - it's understandable why she feel the blues... HJ busy with filming his drama and not around to give her a hug. I'm sure she'll spring back quickly.

      A big hug for you MM and we love you!

    2. thank you, yoon ji joong :) the love from you girls cheers me up. i guess i'm getting too sensative since i heard hj is going to film his new drama oversea during xmas, so i worried about mm too much. i wish i can do something to cheer her up. mm fighting!

    3. Hello and welcome to the blog Gf Momo...

  10. I love the Busan post hint <3 *giddy* thanks for the post!

  11. GF YJJ you did it again awesome hints!!!

  12. Hello GFssss
    Thanks Idol YJJ for the wonderful post...ehmm...your eagle eyes are great....kekeke

  13. So tired this week-end..but glad to have seen this post.. You make me smile!!! Thanks for the post GF YJJ..

  14. Thanks GForce for the post.
    We are HyunMin family, so I'm very glad to share their love with GF .Enjoy it. ^ ^

    1. Hola Bibe Zhong!!

      Thank you so much for sharing your hints^^. Hope you have more ;P

    2. Hello Bibe Zhong. Thank you so much for sharing the hints and please keep them coming.

      Cheers to the HyunMin family! :)

  15. Hello Bibe Zhong, Thanks for sharing the hints and the love for HyunMin with us.
    Please visit us again.^^

  16. Hello GFs...

    Wow this is excellent... Love the latest hints... MM holding HJ's cap while he was performing the job of a photographer? Hahaha

    1. Correction...these are not hints but facts. Lol

      Thank you so much Baidu HyunMin for sharing!
