
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

~ Screencaps: JSM's interview with PK Producer ~

What did MM say about being with a popular guy???


How does she know that?  ^-^

Producer:  (Being with) a popular guy is exhausting

MM:  HJ is more amusing

MM:  Very fascinating

MM:  But a popular guy is really exhausting

GForce's POV:  How do you know that, MM???  kekeke

As the saying goes, "Action speaks louder than words..."

More Screencaps coming soon!! 
Stay Tuned!!

Screencaps and Translation by Gf BB


  1. Hello Gfs!!

    Whooahhh, yes MM how do you know being with popular guys is exhausting??... kekeke. BUSTED!!!

    Love MM's face when she said "HJ is VERY fascinating!" ^^ - Love Love Love!!!

    Thanks to our dear gf BB for the screencaps and translation. Btw, Gf BB is preparing more screencaps, just be patient.

  2. Hi GFs , MM is so transparent, she can't hide her feelings while talking about HJ. ♥_♥
    Thank you so much Gf BB for the screens and translations. You are so cool ♥

  3. Wahahaha... Mm, are you giving us another hints here?

    Thanks Gf Bb for the screencaps and translation...you made my day Gf...

  4. Thanks GF Bella Bee for this screencaps Hi Dear Gfs...about MM comments of course the Lucky Guy can be exhausting hehehe but you enjoy your time with him ;) hahaha

    1. hahahaha, of course she enjoys her time with him.

      I wonder what she meant by saying "Exhausting".

    2. Hello GFs!

      My pov: traveling is exhausting; his frequent for filming, business, concerts, etc. Being active in sports is exhausting; soccer, scuba diving in Busan. hahaha HJ's hectic schedule pretty much exhausting... hahaha... and to be taggled along is of course, exhausting. hahahaha

    3. hahaha. I agree with you gf YJJ.

    4. Oops sorry for the errors:

      Correction: his frequent travels for filming, etc. HJ's hectic schedule is pretty much exhausting. And, to be tagged along is of course, exhausting.

      Glad you agreed GF Cyn. hahahaha

    5. Kekeke...another round with HJ is exhausting..its right MM??? *hahaha....omo...my innocent imagination*

    6. Hello GFs!
      I agree with you GF YJJ
      Buddy #2 hehehe....GFNA...naughty....naughty.

    7. Ehoahahahahaha AGREE!!!! Hahagahahaga

    8. Kekeke...Buddy #3...sorry I can't stop my innocent imagination....hahaha

  5. Kekeke...love when MM said HJ is more amusing, very fascinating and exhausting...you know HJ very well....hahaha...another FACT how very - very close both...kekeke
    Thanks GF BB and Cyn you girls made my day...hahaha....can't wait for next screencaps...I always stay tuned in this lovely blog..hehehe

  6. MM being with HJ is exhausting but amusing and fascinating.....hehehe

  7. MM's darling KHJ must have been fuming or grinning when she said none of the 2 (HJ or KHJ) she would choose... Did you rehearse your answers with HJ MM? Kekeke

    1. Kekeke she said No way but with smile...we know that her heart said YES....kekeke

  8. Hello GFs... Hi GF Lorna and Hani.

    1. Kekeke...how are you ??? you are the leader of GFNA .... hahaha

    2. Me leader of GFNA? What is NA? :)

    3. Naugthy Angel....or Nice Angel what would you choose??? kekeke

    4. Hahaha...I prefer naughty. Nice is no fun kekeke.

      Okay! I am the leader, the Queen of GFNA then. Waaaah

    5. Kekeke...long life...the Queen of GFNA....hahaha

  9. HHola, goodmorning GFs!!! Whoahahahahaha HINT AND FACT!!! She is busted!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha ahhh this is really made by day GF BB!!

    How did she knew being with a popular namja is exhausting? Its because hahahahaha OMG! Hahahahahahahaha she wont answer like that that if she didnt experience that situation haahaha Ahhhh i love this post so much!!™♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  10. Although exhausting but she loves it!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥ awwww!

  11. ^^
    GFs, may I add more facts
    1. Through out the interview MM call HJ, Hyun Joong Oppa.....
    2. When mentioned " Very fascinating" her eye cues moved to upper left side which mean she spoke out from her visual remembered and her facial expression and voice was so soft and sweet.^^
    3.The last closed up shot was done by the camerama not me... Ummm did he know something? or he is HyunMin fan.. ke ke ke
    4. More screencaps are coming.....^^

    1. Thanks GF BB...I agree, the bottom image, shows a naughty looking MM. A facial expression of knowing something special that she couldn't share with at that moment.

    2. You are wonderful GF BB...we love you.... :D

    3. GF BB - it's the probably the same camera man who caught HJ gazing, glancing and staring at MM while filming PK. hahaha Oops let's not forget the script reading days and the luncheon at the restaurant. hahaha Quite observant the cameraman. lol Yes, he was one of the first HyunMin fan. hahaha

    4. Where I can find the cameraman??, I wanna hire him to work for this blog^^!!

  12. Thanks Gfs for the interesting post.

  13. Gf, you know what…… I visited Baidu (Hyun Joong & Hwangbo Hyejeong couple Bar). Those fans were really funny cos they said that HJ did not like (or even hated) Min Min. The fans said HJ was very gentleman-like when HJ was working with Hwangbo but he was very annoyed when he was being with Min Min. What kind of mind and judgement do they have?

    1. Gf Bescaca, just dont mind them...for me, i prefer not to visit other blog to avoid reading unnecessary things...hehehe

    2. Hello GFs!
      Me too GF Mhel I never go to blog that I knew their anti HyunMin. I believe what I see and always positive thoughts about our couple.

    3. Hello girls!,

      I agree with gf Mhel; just don't mind them.

    4. Yes...GF Bescaca just ignore them....and just stay tuned in this lovely blog don't go anywhere...okay....hahaha

    5. In the Fancams and BTS, HJ always looks around looking to MM and looks at her as an innocent child who wants to approach her. If the feel uncomfortable with her, he do not do that. Please just ignore them, obviosly them don't accept the true.

  14. Wow.!!! Its my lucky day ... Minmin looks naughty in this interview.
    Thanks Gf BB for your wonderful screencaps and translations ..you made my day.!!!
    Thanks Gf Cyn for the post ..

  15. Thanks GF BB for the translation!! We have this video but always wondered what they wer talking about..

  16. Thanks forthe translation GF BB...We have this video but always wondered what they were talking about...will be waiting for the continuation of this post..glad to comment again..

    1. Hola Gf Lizzie, Welcome back!. We miss you^^.

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Gf Ress , is good to see you here ... I miss you ♥

    2. hi elaaaa *hugs* i know... only till feb.... n i ill be back;)

  18. My advice to everyone: if you like visiting blogs who are anti HyunMin or anti MinMin that's your decision, however, leave the anti HyunMin or anti MM comments where you read it from and should stay there. We want to stay happy in this blog. Toxic comments are not welcome at Hyunmin GForce blog.

    Smile and stay happy everyone!

  19. Am sorry Gfs for sharing those Comment from other blog.

    1. HI GF Bescaca.

      It's okay GF. I hope you were not offended by my reminder/advice. It was meant for all the GFs too. It is just to prevent anyone from getting upset. If you noticed, we don't bash other celebrities or other blogs here in our house. The only person or animal allowed to be bashed in this blog is the TROLL. Hahaha

      Thanks GF.

  20. Stay calm do not think that others believe they are real as long as we have been finding a lot of facts and it is even 90% really waht until the draft is complete hj will apply mm
    their families are mutualy agreed i actually had a lot of facts but they wait to reveal her to the public we are all sure to be happy and will be beutiful in its time

    1. Yahhh...GF Cepty if you had a lof of FACTS you should share in this blog don't keep it by yourself okay....hahaha...just send email to GF Admin they would post it...hehehe...we love you GF Cepty so do the best to send your FACTS in here....kekeke

    2. Hey GF Cepty. Spill GFs.... If you don't want to share it here, you can always email the gforce team... :)

    3. Hola Gf Cepty!!!


    4. Ok ok gfs

      i want to sent email the gforce team

  21. Hallo everyone l am from lndonesia may l join in this hyunmin family because l am the one who love hyunmin couple so much everyday l watch mv hyunmin couple and read this page...please can l joined?

    1. Hello Nenty!. Welcome to the blog^^!!!

      Of course you can join this happy place. Hope you visit us often and leave your comments.

      Don't forget to follow the blog.

    2. Hello Nenty, thank you for dropping by and feel free to join us, hyunmin lovers are always welcome here in our blog.

    3. Hello Nenty - welcome to the blog. Anyone who supports the Hyunmin couple are more than welcome to join our happy family. Please do visit the blog often. :) And don't forget to sign-up as a member. -->

    4. Hallo GF Nenty...
      Aq dan GF Cepty juga dari Indonesia...met bergabung di blog yg cantik ini..hehehe

  22. wuuuaaaah.....i love this.....
    thanks for the screencaps and translation gf Bb

  23. How l can to be a member hyunmin family..? Because l am not to smart with my ipad..he he please give me the info? Actually l have a lot of hj and mm hint.. but l cant do it with my ipad because l am not to smart with computer..he he..l wish l can doit and publish in this blog..hiks..hiks

    1. Gf Nenty!

      When you open the blog page, search for the option "View Web Version". This will upload all the features of our blog. Once you are there, in the right side of the page there's an option "Followers", just click there and you will become a member.

      If you have hints to share please send us an email to: gforce.hyunmin@gmail.com

    2. I just can give the instructions..sorry l try but l cant doit to publish..hiks..hiks...

    3. Example: the ring that mm wears in this foto is the same with hj wear in mv lucky guy..really is the same because l watch mv hj lucky guy repeat repeat is the same with the mm wear..and l watch hj interview in lotte dutty jangkiss sub that he want to go holiday to sky resort..if l am not wrong mm spent a holiday to sky resort some time ago that l read it in this block..because l read this block everyday and thanks god l find this block because l really love this couple so much much..it is said mm to hj in pk eps 14..ke..ke

  24. wuuuaaaah.....i love this.....
    thanks for the screencaps and translation gf Bb

  25. wuuuaaaah.....i love this.....
    thanks for the screencaps and translation gf Bb

  26. I watch hj interview in lotte dutty jangkiss sub that he want to spent to holiday to sky resort if l am not wrong l read some time a go mm spent a holiday to sky resort...

  27. Sorry guys if l am not to smart in english and with my ipad..hiks..hiks..but l really love this couple so much..much..thats what mm say in pk eps 14..ke ke

  28. Correction: skiing resort..sorry really bad english

  29. And thanks one more time to accept me in this block...one more time....one more time...love this song so much...ke ke
