
Friday, March 14, 2014

[Repost] Hyun Joong's Gift for his MM on "White Day"

Today is “White Day”… 
my MM must be expecting a gift from me, but…

What should I give her???

She must be tired of getting a box of candies...Ahhh... maybe a big Teddy Bear!!!

Or, should I cook a romantic dinner for both of us???... 

Hmmm… but I’m not a good cook! Aishh.

Should I write her a love letter then??... 

Tsk, I'm not good in writing love letters...

plus... there's not enough papers to express my love for her…kekeke

Hmmm, I think a love letter is not enough. Ahhh... a ring. I should buy her...

...another ring… *wink wink*

Wait, before giving her this ring...I’ll sing a love song to her… 

... but I always sing love songs to her... I better think of another gift... hmmm

Oh, I got it!!!

The best gift I could give her is...

   My Heart… 
My Love!!!

         and some pretty 

Credit as tagged.
Ela, Liz and Cyn OC


  1. Great fanart ...for HyunMin !!!
    Happy White Day to our beloved HyunMin... and to all fans of our adorable couple..... ^^
    Thanks Gfs Ela, liz and Cyn.. for the beautiful post...

  2. Woooww....very beautiful GF Liz and Leader Cyn...kekeke some pretty sexy move for MM hahaha ^_~

  3. Great FA Gf Ela Liz and Cyn OC..
    I love the the sexy moves

  4. Wuah wuaah good joob gf ela,cyn an liz...

    Kekekeke wink wink wink

  5. Cyniiii how fat are u now?? u just wont leave cheese alone.. huh?! LOL

    n i know.. poor Ela n Liz u r dragging thm along.. tsk tsk...

    but oh.. Great post.. LOVE it <3
