
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jung So Min's 정소민 - KBS Drama BIGMAN 빅맨 04.29.2014 Episode 2 Screencaps

Cr. Screencaps by HyunMin GFORCE


  1. Awesome acting MM...love Jin Ah ♥

  2. Hello GFs!
    Hi GF Snowy the Queen!!! Glad that you stop by come back soonnnnn:)
    Hi Dongsaeng Buddy!!!
    MM is really pretty and her role suit her very well!!!

    1. Helloooooooo GF Lorna. Hahahaha did you miss me?

  3. Hi Unnie Buddy, Queen Snowy and GF Tulipchang ^^
    Anything MM wears its really suit with her coz she is natural beauty...hehehe

  4. good acting,Min Min. u look so different.

  5. Great acting MM..love your looks

  6. I watched the first episode last night. Although I only understood one or two words hahaha still I could definitely say, this drama captivated my interest.
    MM has a very interesting role that I am pretty sure will keep us from being bored. I wonder what's behind Jin-Ah's red hair and bright colored outfits that can be seen or noticed from a great distance. An heiress who is bored? Or... not getting enough attention from mommy and daddy?..or just being herself because she could get away with it..lol ...

    Where can I watch the episode with English subtitles GFs? I am hoping that this drama will be available on Dramafever or Hulu Plus.

    1. Hi Gf Snowy, 1st episode is available now in Drama fever. Maybe the 2nd episodes will be uploaded later. Are you a Premium member in DF? It's better if you are no commercials at all.

    2. Hi GF Rowshe, good morning!

      Yes, I am a premium member as well GF...no annoying advertisements, which is great. I just checked DramaFever, yes the first episode is there lol. I checked the site yesterday evening, it wasn't there yet. I am so glad... Thanks GF Row for your quick reply. Yay, I am a very happy woman...

    3. LOL, I clicked LIKE already even before watching it on DF. Too bad, you are only allowed to click on LIKE once...T_T. Should I create another account in DF or multiple accounts so I can happily like BM numerous times? Hahaha

    4. Hello, GF Snowy.

      I like her nails have you seen them??.

      Hello GFs... I haven't yet watched it. I will when I get a chance. Although I did watch the parts with MM in it. She is doing an awesome job.

      Great Work MM!!! Yey!!!!!.

  7. Good a.m/p.m Gfs !!!
    I watched it in Dailymotion net. even there's no eng.sub.... just to understand what are they talking, i depends in their action.
    Hello Gf Snowy , long time no hear !!! ..... i really miss you dear ... ^^
    Thanks Gf Ela for the post.
