
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

JSM's Interview w/Metroseoul (English Translation)

Here is the interview of MinMin from Metroseoul.co.kr translated from Chinese to English for those interested in reading it -

Actress JSM on this Mid-Autumn Festival (MAF) or Chuseok giving happy blessings to everyone has appeared on the news in Metro Entertainment. Even though she has to act in MBC’s daily sitcom “Standby” and the very busy and fulfilling filming of JTBC drama “Can We Get Married?” which will be shown on the 29thOct, due to the schedule there is only a day’s rest for MAF, yet talking about the honey-sweet festival still she laughs very brightly.

Got along very well with the whole cast of “Standby”, are there any very deep impressive interactions?

“Every week there are four shootings, sometimes there are one or two days’ rest. Ki Woo oppa accidentally knocked over a plate of cut mud cockles just before eating, that’s such a pity, we can only eat the hand-cut noodles from the soup, Ki Wo oppa said we can’t eat it and that’s a pity.”

Kim Nan Gil of ‘Bad Guy”, KHJ “Playful Kiss”, Im Siwon ”Standby”, many male lead partners!

Siwon oppa has gotten close as filming went on, although still a little immature and very gentle in character but each time he’s the one to start a conversation, very manly. If talking to Nam Gil oppa on phone, the voice used sounds very chummy, this is very good because there are times I would request him for help. Not long ago there’s an international music and film festival, I went to watch Nam Gil oppa’s movie. What’s the secret of getting along well with difficult seniors? “Cajole and act cute…..hahaha….” 

“Although it’s an enthusiastic class type of sitcom but the ratings aren’t good, feel a little sad. Across the board recently ratings seems to have gone down, although it’s a pity but it’s a project that I have got to know many nice people. My long stubborn or say my perspective and values on acting have also changed.”

“In the next drama I will be acting as a 28 year old bride-to-be, I have never even thought of that before. Before marriage because of marriage costs and preparations give rise to contradictions with the future mother-in-law, acting a realistic role. To give a more mature appearance a hair fringe is cut to change my image and I’m very pleased with it.”

Have you thought of how to spend the coming festival?

“Because we are a big family so relatives will gather at our home to worship. Mum has received her western food cooking certificate, her cooking skills is very good and the MAF food she cooks is really very good. Younger brother can cook rice very well, as one who has no interest in culinary art I can only be a food taster.”

MAF greetings for readers –

Eat more MAF goodies but take note not to eat too much till tummy aches ~ spend it with family members whom you have not seen for a long time happily, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Translated from Korean to Chinese : 希影chen of Hyunmin Baidu Tieba
Credit to:  tlbpc   


  1. Good morning GFs!

    GF M&M -- I read that you both are not feeling well - this article might not brighten up your spirits as Mami skipped Papi in her answer but not to worry as I think Mami is just being protective.

    1. Hahaha... very interesting that she skipped mentioning Papi's name... Maybe she doesn't want the interview to focus on him and not to give the interviewer a chance to ask personal questions about them.. lol!! at least she will not be placed in a situation in which she has to deny talking or seeing him lately like what she did in her last SH appearance.

    2. Yes, exactly! It's damn if you and damn if you don't!

    3. Buenos días Isabelita!!

      I don't understand, she's still talking with Nam Gil??

      Yes, she skipped Papi... hahaha... wonder if Papi felt "Stress", you know... she mentioned the ant and Nam Gil!!.

      She's protecting their relantionship, avoiding questions about if they keep contact.

    4. Those questions maybe had to be pre approved by he before the actual interview... Very obvious right??? ahahhahah

    5. Yes, Nam Gil's been back from the military since July. He's her sunbae and they had a good working relationship. I find this comment funny: What’s the secret of getting along well with difficult seniors? “Cajole and act cute…..hahaha….” From this comment, I can say they really have a brother-sister relationship. lol

      No, I don't Papi would feel stress over this interview.

    6. Nah, they are both professionals.... they should be able to handle the media and learn not to read the papers and mags... All I can advise to them is visit our blog... it's stress free... Bwahahahaha

    7. I'm back!!

      If HJ was only a former co-star, why not mention him?... right? She could talk about her experience working with him. But since he's not just a costar or a friend (he's her man, her love, her everything, her modu... you got it???)... she didn't mention Lucky Guy's name!! to avoid any further questions... Well play little lady!!

    8. She has HJ amnesia during interviews... lol!!!! She did not know that avoiding the topic is actually making it obvious that she is hiding something... hahahah

    9. She's sitting in a hard rock and a stone. She's not like some celebrities who would lie to the skin of their teeth so she opted to skip that part of the question. I've been re-reading some of her interviews in the past and I can say that she's very honest and not pretentious that's what I like about her.

    10. She's learned what to share and not what to share in public.

    11. Sorry girls!! I was reading When Love and Hate Collide BK2 and telling Gf My how to leave messages here... she's lurking but not leaving comments!!

    12. There's an update for WLAHC BK2? ohh a must read later on. Yes, she must share her comments her -- we know how much she loves the hyunmin couple.

    13. Is the story good GF? I am so bad... I haven't been to AFF for quiet sometime now.

    14. Of course, When Love and Hate Collied: HJ, Somin, yummy Rain and the lovely Haera...hahaha .... Don't you remember about that story??

    15. I've read 34 chaps right now!!!... kekeke

    16. Yes, it's a good story GF.

      But you have to read Book 1 as the beginning chapters of Book 2 are recaps because she lost some chapters in Book1 when AFF system crashed.

  2. "as one who has no interest in culinary art I can only be a food taster" -- hahaha that's why somebody is always making a trip to Jaksal especially upon return from overseas?! kekeke

    1. Or becoming an expert in making precooked noodles. She forgot to mentioned she has no kitchen skills at all bbecause for sure Papi is also the manager of the dishwashing section... hahahahaha... What does she do while he is doing all the chores? ahahahahah

    2. Correction- she forgot to mention...

    3. Maybe she does the laundry instead. Remember the bts of PK YT-episode where HJ volunteered to do the laundry -- he had the look like it was his first time to see a washing machine. He was so amused. hahaha

    4. For sure she knows how to cook simple dishes...plus her and HJ are watching what they eat so maybe they eat mostly vegies, fruits and protein shakes.

    5. Yes, for sure. I think they have tofu in their diet too. I think what she meant is that she's not good in preparing food they traditionally serve at Chuseok. She's probably more into preparing pasta that she learned from the chef in Standby.

    6. Hey, she said she's a taster so that means she knows if the food is tasty or not right... That's the best job! She's so cute to say her brother is good in making rice...lol... yeah, MM that's a very difficult task. You need good skills in making rice...hahahaha

    7. I'm there too when it comes to tasting! hahaha Did you see those food to prepare for Chuseok... just the look for it is intimidating. That's a lot of preparations... aren't they available in supermarkets? hahaha Like here, you can buy a whole Turkey meal for Thanksgiving. hehehe

      I think it's not just the plain rice.... it's the sticky rice dishes for Chuseok -- like the crescent moon shaped desserts in the pictures.

    8. Yeah... if it was me... supermarkets and food deliveries...and disposable utensils... hahahaha..

    9. On holidays, I'm still traditional... I'll prepare turkey or what not but desserts and side dishes would have to be store bought. haha But I really want to taste those rice desserts they prepare on Chuseok... it must be good because it's filled with red beans, etc.

    10. You must go to Korean grocery stores then. They always have Korean rice cakes... They are deicious.

    11. Really? is it like our sticky-rice desserts but finer?

      Aishh... most of them are 30-45 min drive away. :(

    12. Yes, finer and not to sweet. You'll like them but you need to do Zumba for 3 hrs after eating them hahahah

      What? 30 mins is nothing girl.... You better go during the weekend and check what they have that you might like.

    13. hahaha 3 hrs zumba? are you crazy? the most i've done is 1-1/2 zumbathon. hahaha

      aishhh... weekend is blogging time. hahaha I don't want to drive 30 min or so just to get a taste of a dessert. hahaha Can you just fed-ex me some? hahaha

    14. Now you want me to do the driving? hahha

      Hmmm okay.... I have to choose between your Korean rice cakes and blogging? Hmmmm decision, decison, decison.... BEH!...blogging!!!!! hahahaha

    15. wahahahaha Why? The closest fed-ex to your place is 30 drive away? hahahaha I'll just have them fed-ex straight from SK. wahahahahaha

    16. From my house to Korean store, 30 minutes, then to Fedex office, another 30 minutes... waaaaaahh, that's one hour total, away from my blogging... hahahahahaha

    17. wahahahaha We're so crazy... blogging first! nhahahaha I was just kidding about sending me some fed-ex. I'm sure there's a korean market near my place... I just need to get out of the house. hahahaha

    18. I know you were. I don't think you would want to put your Zumba exercise efforts to waste, girl.

    19. Why would it go to waste? it's a tiny dessert and you said it's not too sweet, right? I think it'll be fine. hahaha convincing myself?! hahahahaha

    20. Hahahahha.... I was just teasing you... You must taste it...They are good.

  3. So, according to MM, she changed her hairstyle to give her the look of a 27 year old woman? Hmmmm... Can they manage to make her look that old with makeup up and with her hair pulled up?

    1. Maybe from the outfit. We won't see her with cute outfits she wore in Standby. They'll make her look professional and sophisticated.

    2. She's always going to look younger than her age - she's naturally young and cute looking. I think the bangs even made her look younger but like you said maybe lots of make-up and conservative outfit would help.

    3. I hope her character is a 27 year old professional woman not an old maid conservative looking woman...

    4. GF - did you read the article? She's bound to get married so how can you even remotely think her character is an old maid. hahaha I said conservative outfit to make her look older than her age.

    5. I did... I said... not an old maid conservative looking woman...I was talking about the appearance. hahahaha

    6. I should have said...a professional and stylish looking 27 year old woman, not an old maid conservative looking woman. hahahah

    7. You said "I hope her character is a 27 yr old prof woman not an old main conservative looking woman." I read the word 'character' first so that threw me off. That's right, you should've said 'looks' and not character. hehehe

    8. Fine... ask me to edit some of your stuff. :sticky-tongue: Yah, speaking of which did you read my document last night?

    9. Yeah...editing all my comments? you want to grow grey hairs early? lol

      I read it and sent it back to you. You did not get it?

    10. eh? I'm not editing all your comments. What's written is written... tough luck! hahaha

      Oops, it probably got buried. hehehe Thank you!

    11. Check your email again. lol

      If you are looking for more work I'll forward all my comments to you before posting them.... hahahha Maybe I should really do it to give you a daily upset stomach and a major headache. lol!!!!!!

    12. I have and replied to your email so your turn to check your email.

      hahaha It's only your comments that gives me a headache. hahaha just kidding.

    13. Don't even let me reply to what's really causing your headaches. Bwahahahaha

      So let's put this matter to rest.. hahahahahahaha

    14. I did already and I am waiting now for your reply... lol!!

    15. HJ mode: I'll pretend you weren't referring to me! kekeke

      I replied even before you read my reply. hahaha

  4. ohaiyou gozaimasu minnasan!
    ogenki desuka?
    will catch up with you cheeky girls later! lalalala

  5. Good Morning GFs! Hahahah what the...? Hahahaha i have many comments to catch up hmm? Hhahahha

    yah! Are you talking about food?? Now? Hahahha

    GF YoonJJ, when you said this, "she's very honest and not pretentious" hahahha dont you think she's just like her hubby? Hahahahah

    talking about sticky rice.... I think im craving for sushi...... Aishh! Yyummy!

  6. whohaahahahah now mami becomes Mrs. Obvious! Just like papi! Hahahahh

    she skips talking about papi?? Hahhaah Mami.... We gotcha!!

    1. Yup GF Mazzy she skips talking about papi! Hahahah!

      Talking about her drama that her bangs is for her role to make her mature but I agree of GF Yoonjj on her bangs she looks more younger like a barbie doll.

  7. yah Mazzy, don't you get it by now, that Mami is Papi, Papi is Mami....so obvious these two cheeky monkey...hahahaha
